The "Assyrian", the "seven shepherds", the "eight dukes"
by bats in the belfry 17 Replies latest watchtower bible
The simple fact of the matter is, most JWs don't REALLY care if their beliefs are true or not. They follow WT.
This is so disturbingly true.. I just spent 6 months showing a whole group of elders and entire library of multiple decades of false teachings, false prophecies, false predictions, medical quackery, hocus-pocus and outright idiocy, lunacy and lies from no other source but their own literature which is overseen, written and published by none other than their very own governing body, their anointed and their own faithful and discreet slave.
And in that 6 months I never got a single intelligent response from any one of them. Zero. Zombie brain dead.
These people really and truly are mentally imprisoned and have given up thought itself to blind stupidity and idiocy.
I have little sympathy I have to say. I can't even respect them any more.
For those who are making the notation, this insightful article is in the April edition of the 1942 Watchtower yearbook.
Bats... correct me if I'm wrong. :)
and thank you VERY much for finding this.
The "generation" that was alive in 1943 (15 years of age---lol) did not live to see (or are too old to care) the BS in the 2014 WT. I'm sure the GB was counting on that fact! New "generation" of GB members, nu-lite to alter, change, manipulate, confuse, misrepresent old lite.
Just saying!
Dis-member... maybe you have to teach dubs how to care first? Perhaps that's the first step in thinking for oneself. Caring about your heart, mind, life, family, friends. I think one skill WTBTS teaches so well is complacency. You just learn how to sit there and swallow BS. complacency eventually leads to abandonment of self. Forget about feeling alone. When you're a jw, you learn that nothing matters, not even oneself. Everything is of, for, about Jehovah. How could it matter what I think or feel if I am just a speck of dust on the rim of a bucket? (I'm thinking of that text in Isaiah.)
So really, Dismember, what did you expect they were going to do with that information? Those that leave jws behind entirely by waking up to TTATT are those who saw sparkle of light or tasted a morsel of life... freedom to be.
bats in the belfry
NeverKnew >> this insightful article is in the April edition of the 1942 Watchtower
Correct, everybody doing research on this article: It is in the 1942 Watchtower, page 124, or here (pdf download)
it's time the new GB put a full cross section of mankind "every tribe and tongue" as part of their numbers. Heck they got the black guy already!
And now, up pops "the Assyrian" again. I found this thread by doing a Google search for "the Assyrian Jehovah's Witnesses" ... trying to figure out what eschatological drums they are beating now.