Witnesses: Why The 1/19/14 WT Lesson Is Dangerous

by Apognophos 84 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Rattigan350

    It is history. It does not matter. They are so caught up in Bible land.

  • besty

    great post apognophos - thanks

  • leaving_quietly

    The paragraph hedges it's bets, and rightly so, but the audience is asked to make a specific identification. I've noticed this method over the years and want to point it out for reference.

    I agree with this observation. Words used in the paragraph like "perhaps", "a possibility", "maybe", etc. become "ARE/IS DEFINITELY" by the time the question is asked and answered.

    I commented on paragraph 4 and specifically pointed out the "One possibility" thing, and went on to give the REAL definition of "maiden" which would include "newly married" (not just "married") and "ripe sexually". I said, 'We note the paragraph says, "One possibility is". We cannot be dogmatic about this as there are several possibilities that scholars have identified. Regarding the footnote about the word meaning a married woman or a virgin, the Hebrew word more accurately means "newly married", "ripe sexually" or a vigin. We have to realize that Mahershalalhashbaz was not Isaiah's first child. His first son is mentioned in Isa 7:3, so his wife could not have been "newly married" or "ripe sexually". However, some other parts of what were said about Immanuel and Mahershalalhashbaz regarding Damascus and Syria are similar between the two.'

    Sadly, it went over everyone's head.



    I made an App That Makes JWs Drag Around..

    ................WBT$ Literature Carts.............................Whats Wrong?.......This Feels Evil!..


    .......................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • Finkelstein

    Funny even when they try to be honest bible theologians they cant because they were never educated

    as such. This one lessen isn't the only lessen thats dangerous, the whole catalog of doctrines

    that have be propagated by the WTS. are dangerous and untruthful, in spite of them being attracting

    vehicles for literature proliferation.

    Fear and ignorance combined with brainwashing = Jehovah Witness

  • prologos

    maher-shalal-hashbas, does anybody remember Fredrick Franze's high-pitched rendering in Yankee stadium? hilariously dangerous, you might die laughing.

  • PaintedToeNail
  • bruh2012

    GB is trying very hard to put "the organization" in the 1,000 year reign where the new scrolls hasnt even been open!

    Imagine if the power goes out during armaggedon -how will the "no-pipeline to YHWH , not inspired" FDS get the instructions to the so call 'Duke" boys in the thousands of congregations since jw.org will prove useless!!!

    ahh ---that explains why we have to listen to the "DUH" we have no clue whats going on" instructions!!

  • QuestioningEverything

    W O W I never paid that much attention when I was going!

  • abbagail

    "At that time, the lifesaving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not."

    Hasn't WT printed spine-chilling/majorly-creepy advice like that previously? It sounds so familiar. I'd say, whatever "instructions" they give "AT THAT TIME," do the exact opposite!

    Now, what is fascinating to me about this particular WT Study Lesson/Summary, since I don't pay much attention to WT stuff anymore, is that they are claiming it will be an attack by "THE ASSYRIAN" (how long have they been saying that?) Well, I got news, WT, you're a bit late to that bandwagon, lol, as various Pentecostal & other preachers, on Christian TV & off, began within the past 8-9 years or so preaching a similar message, that the Antichrist will be "THE ASSYRIAN," preachers/prophecy-teachers such as Perry Stone, Joe Van Koevering, Richard Chambers, etc. So has WT been reading literature by them, or watching "Christian TV"? lol.

    Here's one prophecy analyzer who says "THE ASSYRIAN" will NOT be the Antichrist & seems on the surface (quick glance) to give good scriptural reasons why:


    And another:


    Pegging "The Assyrian" as the "end times attacker"/antichrist is in reality a diversionary tactic to get people to focus on/fear Muslims & Arabs (9/11 repeat!) vs. the real culprits who will be establishing their "King of the World."


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