Should Amnesty Int'l be Informed?

by metatron 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Amnesty Int'l, along with other human rights groups, are frequently
    called upon to defend Jehovah's Witnesses. For example, a Witness
    in Turkmenistan is now on their international appeals list.

    Should someone inform them about the Watchtower's efforts to
    silence people who expose their wrongdoing - as with the Dateline

    Further, should the methods of Amnesty Int'l be used (when they expose torturers) in the case of individuals involved in DF'ing
    Watchtower whistleblowers?

    Should the names of elders involved in repression of the molestation
    scandal be openly published - as might be the case with other
    violators of human rights?


  • alliwannadoislive

    hi metatron ... amnesty isn't about helping organisations, it's about helping people ... whether you agree with the tenets of any particular organisation or not, the people within it are still entitled to the same human rights as the rest of us

    if you want to help, go here:

  • metatron

    I'm not sure you actually read my post.

    I think the Society's representatives actually meet with
    certain human rights groups - hypocritically seeking rights
    they don't respect.

    My question about names and exposure still stands.


  • worf


    I think thats a good idea. The more complaints about that go to organizations of this type, the better.At some point someone will take notice.


  • Elsewhere

    The hard part will be getting people to contact them. So many JWs and XJWs have the programming in their head that shunning is NORMAL behavior and that it is OK, even EXPECTED.

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • MikeMusto

    This Hollywood insider remebers the U.S. government being informed
    of the Society Pics which featured buildings being destroyed. This
    gossip goddess cant find any results..

  • Dino

    Hey Metatron,

    I like the way youre thinking. Amnesty Intl touts itself as an unbiased group seeking human rights for all, but wouldnt it be great if a group of DFed JWs whose human rights had been violated were to do a class-action thingy? LOL

    Have some fun with this link:


  • Imbue

    You don't get what Amnesty Int'l is about. The WT doesn't torture, murder and put people in prison. I still believe JWs should have the right to worship as they believe. Now, in some countries people like YOUR mother are put in prison for preaching or refusing to take sides politicly. Do you hate the WT so much that you would work against the an individuals right to worship as they choose.

    "Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc

  • Dino

    Hi Imbue,
    Please dont misunderstand what I was saying. I am sorry if I wasnt clear. I am all for the fact that Amnesty Intl. goes to bat for the JWs or any persecuted religious or political minority. I feel terrible for them. However, I was just saying that wouldnt it be nice if the WT had to answer for its own human rights abuses from the very organization that it looks to for succor?

    Im not saying that would happen given the fact that the WT is not allowed to torture, murder, and put people in prison in a literal sense.


  • Matty

    I joined Amnesty International when I was 13 and am still a member now. When I joined at first it was a way of specifically helping "my brothers", but since then I have been a more active member in helping other causes within the group. They have done more for me to make me a better person than the dubs ever have, when I work for them I feel much happier and self-fulfilled than I do when I go out on the ministry!

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