Your personal Goals

by outcast 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • outcast

    I found this on .
    Since it is Monday, anyone care to add their goals to the list? LOL

    My Personal Goals to Pursue
    (1 Timothy 4:15; Romans 13:14)


    [ ] 1. Become more regular in meeting attendance.
    [ ] 2. Come to meetings earlier so as not to miss song and prayer.
    [ ] 3. Comment at each meeting.
    [ ] 4. Improve preparation for congregation meeting by studying.
    [ ] 5. Enrol in the theocratic ministry school.
    [ ] 6. Prepare school assignments as soon as they are received.
    [ ] 7. Become a regular publisher by going in service each month.
    [ ] 8. Improve field service (become a 4 to 6 hour publisher.)
    [ ] 9. Improve field service (become a 6 to 8 hour publisher.)
    [ ] 10. Improve field service (become an 8 to 10 hour publisher.)
    [ ] 11. Improve field service (become a _____ hour publisher.)
    [ ] 12. Start doing more house to house field service.
    [ ] 13. Become more effective in using the Bible out in field service.
    [ ] 14. Start making return visits.
    [ ] 15. Make more return visits.
    [ ] 16. Start a Bible study.
    [ ] 17. Conduct my family Bible study regularly.
    [ ] 18. Auxiliary pioneer.
    [ ] 19. Strive to become a regular pioneer.
    [ ] 20. Plan on bethel service.
    [ ] 21. Keep up with weekly Bible reading.
    [ ] 22. Read more articles in the watchtower magazine.
    [ ] 23. Read more articles in the awake magazine.
    [ ] 24. Do more to work on and keep the kingdom hall clean.
    [ ] 25. Increase financial contributions to the kingdom hall.
    [ ] 26. Send more financial contributions directly to the society.
    [ ] 27. Qualify for greater responsibility in the congregation.
    [ ] 28. Work with circuit overseer in service on his next visit.
    [ ] 29. Get better acquainted with the elders.
    [ ] 30. Get better acquainted with newer ones.
    [ ] 31. Show more hospitality by inviting the friends over.
    [ ] 32. Fellowship more with the friends before and after the meetings.
    [ ] 33. Visit and help the sick and elderly ones.
    [ ] 34. Make more shepherding visits.
    [ ] 35. Become more interested in applying Bible principles.
    [ ] 36. Cultivate more fruitage of the spirit in my personality.
    [ ] 37. Eliminate gossip and idle talk from my life.
    [ ] 38. Pray more and draw closer to Jehovah as a real person.
    [ ] 39. Become a more loving husband, exercising better headship.
    [ ] 40. Become a more submissive wife, showing more respect.
    [ ] 41. Become a more obedient child, avoiding worldly ways.
    [ ] 42. Reduce time spent watching television.
    [ ] 43. Spend more time reading Gods word the Bible.
    [ ] 44. Other:____________________________________________________
    [ ] _____________________________________________________________
    [ ] _____________________________________________________________
    [ ] _____________________________________________________________

  • Yerusalyim

    45. Throw out all my Watchtower Pubs.
    46. Disrupt a TMS Meeting without going to jail.
    47. Solve world hunger...tell no one.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • out4good3

    It's no wonder Jdubs are so wacked out. If you picked out just a few of those goals to meet you wouldn't have time for anything else.

  • BeautifulGarbage

    I am amused by the link to the Creation video. Because it was not made by JWs there is a warning NOT to click any of the links at the end of it. There is even a little warning window before you connect with the site. Wouldn't want anything to infiltrate their brain and possibly break the WTS spell.


  • outcast

    Actually my personal goal for this Monday was to start a diet, after reading on that site, I am nauseous. The new Read and Purge diet?

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------A friend asks you to go flying with him. You have never been in a small plane, so you are a little concerned. However, he is experienced and has been doing this for a long time, and says it will be great, so you agree.

    You take off, and your stomach is in your throat. You get up and the view is magnificent. As you look around you are amazed at how beautiful it is, and you are so glad you have come. As you make a turn and head another direction, you see something white in front of the window. It goes by you, and it is a cloud. Then you notice there are more clouds coming.

    Again, you start to get a little concerned. Now it starts to get thick. You didn't bargain for this, or agree to it, and you don't want to be here now. It gets so thick, you can't see anything! You've had enough and you want OUT. Where is the door? Oh--you can't do that, that would be crazy!

    But, you didn't agree to this...

    The pilot tells you that there is nothing to worry about. He has instruments and he knows how to read them. If you just have faith he can get you out of this. You can try to tell him what he should do, but you don't have the knowledge of the instruments. So, you are better off just waiting and allowing the pilot to handle the situation.

    Don't panic...

    Don't get out...

    When we come into the truth, we have heard all of the wonderful promises of everlasting life--no pain, sorrow, sickness, or death. It is like that scenery we were looking at when we first got up in that plane. But when things get a little rough, do we use the instruments provided to direct us? That includes the meetings, prayer, publications, the organization and the brothers. When that fails, do we rely on the pilot, Jehovah, to know how to direct the situation? Or do we bail out?

    Be Thankful

    Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire. If you did, what would there be to look forward to?

    Be thankful when you don't know something, for it gives you the opportunity to learn.

    Be thankful for the difficult times. During those times you grow.

    Be thankful for your limitations, because they give you opportunities for improvement.

    Be thankful for each new challenge, because it will build your strength and character.

    Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons.

    Be thankful when you're tired and weary, because it means you've made a difference.

    It's easy to be thankful for the good things.

    A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks.

    Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.

    Find a way to be thankful for your troubles, and they can become your blessings.

  • outcast

    Ok, I'm going to stop I promise.

    But this one is interesting. I guess being a widow is an imperfect condition?

    Does any one remember any of these bible characters being df'd or shunned?


    Think that you're along way from perfection, well......

    Moses stuttered.
    David's armour didn't fit.
    John Mark was rejected by Paul.
    Hosea's wife was a prostitute.
    Amos' only training was in the school of fig-tree pruning.
    Jacob was a liar.
    David had an affair.
    Solomon was too rich.
    Abraham was too old.
    David was too young.
    Timothy had ulcers.
    Peter was afraid of death.
    Lazarus was dead.
    John was self-righteous.
    Naomi was a widow.
    Paul was a murderer. So was Moses.
    Jonah ran from God.
    Miriam was a gossip.
    Gideon and Thomas both doubted.
    Jeremiah was depressed and suicidal.
    Elijah was burned out.
    John the Baptist was a loudmouth.
    Samson had long hair.
    Noah got drunk.

    Did I mention that Moses had a short fuse? So did Peter, Paul - well, lots of folks did.

    We all make mistakes, When we make mistakes and ask for forgiveness.

    Its our heart condition that Jehovah looks for. Our service to him is the most important part of our lives

  • LizardSnot

    To achieve a relaxed dream state with my eyes wide open



    SOME of my goals --- spend less time posting on this site...spend more time watching TV and do simple crafts and paint a picture that will sell 4 thousands of dollars if not millions ad become a sit down comic !!!!! AM coherant enough ??

  • LDH

    That list of "personal goals" actually made me sick to the stomach.

    None of those goals have ANYTHING to do with personal growth; rather are all about CULT INDOCTRINATION.

    How sickening.


  • butalbee
    40. Become a more submissive wife, showing more respect.

    that really pisses me off...

    I'd rather pick fleas off a monkey's ass than to ever be a submissive wife.......

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