..........oh yes, I have a plan! It involves many different ideas and stradegies. It may involve dirty acts of flirtation, fornification, and naughty pleasures of necessary needs.......I am looking for volunteers to help me....any one interested?
I'm gonna bring the WATCHTOWER down!
by butalbee 23 Replies latest jw friends
You mean you want someone to help you go down on the wtbts?
no thanks lady, have it it...chugalug girl
If man was supposedly created in gods image, then.....holy krap...we're all doomed.-sKallyWagger
“What a blessing such integrity keepers are to the congregation!”(5/15/02 WT magazine, pg. 27)
Hmmm butal, maybe if you just get baptised it would bring the watchtower down???
Just kidding.
Now this fornication thing, are there going to be partners provided or is it a solo act??
Never Squat With Yer Spurs On -
Sure Bee,why not?
Nuff Said,
CowboyIt took me quite a while to realize that the real deal is to be able to be enough of a person on your own to know when somebody loves you and cares about you.
~Stevie Ray Vaughn -
Girl, you have to make up your mind. One day you want to become a jw, the next you want to bring it down. I'm starting to get dizzy
I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
Yeah, I know, I'm f***** up.
Just thinking out loud again...
Tell you what butal, you've made me think of a great game for apostofests.
You know the game 'Jenga', the one where you take it in turns to take blocks out of a tower until it collapses? They come in 6' hogh versions; we could all take it in turns to bring the Wathtower down using thrown hardback books.
Talk to the Oklahoma guy, if you can.
Then learn how to do an implosion so you dont hurt outsiders.
Why is everybody looking @ me like that? Oh, it must be because I have my hand in the air...*G*
"If men were like their personal ads, they wouldn't need personal ads."
lol SYN