The worst Bethel department.....

by LDH 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    OK, the obvious choice is the Writing Department. [8>]

    But, my hands down favorite is the lame-ass "Art Department." Perhaps if they had allowed their members to explore the world of the Arts, they wouldn't have been stuck with people who basically draw nothing but stick figures.

    My daughter is 12 and her drawings have more depth than most of what appears in the magazines and publications.

    Any other nominees, or is the Art Department gonna run away with it?


  • ronin1


    The worst Bethel Department is the Legal Department. Why? Because they are so wicked and evil they make Satan look good.


  • SYN

    The Kitchen Department is probably worse. Or maybe the Toilet Cleaning Department that apparently all new Bethelites are stuck in for MONTHS when they arrive, apparently to "make them humble". I can just see now how cleaning toilets will make you feel closer to God!

    Or maybe the IT Department...every time they get a virus (through their own lack of intelligence, installing Windows, opening attachments etc etc) they must think there's a DEMON in the computer! Oh, the humanity!

    How about the Watchtower Farm? You get to be a farmboy, but for Jehovah's Glory! Tremendous! Wake up before dawn every day to glorify God! Spend every day in the grueling rigours of the farmland and then almost every second night at hours-long meetings bored out of your skull!

    It doesn't get better than this! Become a Bethel drone, working for free, today! BTW, they do give you an allowance, but after you buy toothpaste and shampoo, it's gone. They are effectively trapping young people in the BOrganization, because the GB knows that after working at Bethel for 20 years, nobody will want to hire you. You will simply be lacking in real-world skills!

    "If men were like their personal ads, they wouldn't need personal ads."

  • gumby

    The service dept.

    Daily lies were being told to concerned callers at the service desk.

    Not sure how it functions at present.

    Actually my vote goes to the writing dept. for it's distribution of mind controling articles.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    The Service Department, hands down,

    Collective authors of the dreadful Kingdom Ministry, cynical heavy-handed coercers, slatherers of heavy layers of manipulative guilt, bullies of everybody from District Overseers down to lowly dub publisher and contempuous of anyone who suggest there are worthier ways to spend one's waking hours than peddling worthless literature, denigrators of charities, philanthropists and ``do-gooders.''

    The irony is that most of the goons who man the desks are seldom seen at their local weekend meetings for service.

  • Seeker4

    I have a few friends who are still in the art, writing and service departments. Some were decent folks. I wonder what they think of all of this.

    But I also think they may be somewhat locked in where they are. They have all been there for decades, and would struggle to make a life and living out in the real world.


  • lv4fer

    I can't say that the writing dept is the worse, because they are good at what they do. )The ones who are doing the writing today most of the time just re-word what they said before, same old BS different words, so the original writers were good, the ones they have now are just copycats.) Not that it is right, but you have to admit they are pretty good at brainwashing, and making things sound good when they are really lame.

    hi, girl when are we getting together, I am in big trouble. Elder called me last night. The one elder who I really like, he is a decent person. I talked w/him for about a half an hour. I am suppose to meet w/him next monday. What to do What to do What to do.!!!

    My husband and kids say be done w/them. Tell them like it is. That way they will just go away and leave us alone.

    "The reward for conformity was that everyone liked you except yourself."

    Rita Mae Brown

  • MikeMusto

    the tailoring dept.

    those sisters are still working on pleated pants.

    a big fashonista no no

  • Imbue

    Well, depends on what you mean by worse and for whom? If you mean to work in? I'd have to say the pig sty at WT farms or on the assembly lines for book making and packaging.

    I know people at Paterson in all the departments, including the legal, art and service departments. There graphic skills are poor in the art department I will give you that. I have criticized them for it in person...LOL I can find errors in their typographic work and the layout doesn't flow and it lacks creativity. The solution to all photos is to have an ugly border or blur the edges, it's very unprofessional. Anybody can use filters in

    "Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc

  • sf

    Any department Jackoff and Slickdick happen to walk into at any given moment; including the urinal.


    If man was supposedly created in gods image, then.....holy krap...we're all doomed.-sKallyWagger

    “What a blessing such integrity keepers are to the congregation!”(5/15/02 WT magazine, pg. 27)

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