Does the society have deeper darker secrets?

by sleepy 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    Of course were all so familiar with the way the society covers up it tracks and it has taken a lot of work to expose its coruption.

    But are there more sinister discoveries awaiting?

    Why is the society so keen to cover up peadophilia in the organisation?
    Does it reach higher than we are presently aware?
    Was the UN membership just the tip of an iceberg?
    How involved in Big business are they?

    If the leaders truly are con men and swindlers, and not just mislead could there be many more things they are hiding?

    Just speculating.

  • gumby

    Interesting IDEAS sleepy!

    When I came to the understanding that the GB boldly would not change their stance on many organisational beliefs.......when they KNEW they were made me wonder just HOW deep their corruption could go.

  • avengers

    I don't know if this is a secret, but when you think about it; Russel was a free mason. The Watchtower is engraved in his pyramid.
    When you look at the seals of the Watchtower you see all kinds of masonry figures.
    If the WT originated in masonry, how's the top now? I have no further proof, but if anyone does??

    There are more things that bother me about the WT and the Masons, but if I post it at this moment then it might do more harm than good,
    If the masons and the wt are connected then be on your toes.

    But again; I have no proof of this at this moment.

  • Englishman

    I remember being shocked when I saw a copy of the 1986 WTBTS UK's yearly accounts and just how much money was available.

    Anyone fancy doing a search here?

    There's some basic info for free, but if you want yearly accounts there is a £4 download charge.


  • sleepy

    Didn't know what to look for in companies house.

    Does any one know how much the watchtower org is worth?

    Also how many big companies do they owns shares in?

    If the watchtower went down , would it effect these companies, do they have an intrest in keeping the watchtower alive?

  • wokeup

    Sleepy, I can only answer one question for you. The worth of the WTBTS is listed at just under 1 Billion. 951 million according to listing of the top 40 businesses in NY city. I'm not sure that includes all the KH's that have the society as its "benefactor".


  • anewperson

    Exiting Counselors and others should query exiting JWs and others exiting other cults for anecdotes indicating usage we believe to be increasing by fanatical members (who fear exiting members will report their hiding of child molestation to the authorities and media etc) of the following:

    (1) electronic surveillance (wiretapping, hook-switch bypass, infinity mikes etc) and

    (2) harassment via FM sound and voice transmitters.

    Further, ex-members who believe they were or are targeted for such spying and harassment should be encouraged to have their homes checked for such items.

    Anecdotes about usage of such items have floated around for decades. Occasionally people mention that their home has become "demonized," which is what the cults into such things like people to believe to drive them away or back into the their kingdoms.

    So the invasion of privacy is a major issue. Besides widespread reporting of it which would help prove a pattern of such abuses, as the physical evidence is found for it, it needs to receive the widest possible publicity.

  • sf

    "If the watchtower went down , would it effect these companies, do they have an intrest in keeping the watchtower alive?"

    Ahhh sleepy, you seem to be Awake!

    Indeed, WHO ELSE EXACTLY would lose in the scheme (scam) of this well-oiled Machine?

    What other parts of New York DO the WTBTS support with their millions of dollars?

    You really think New York will BE New York if the WTS implodes? New York NEEDS the WTBTS.

    Wait, did I say the word "implode"?

    hmmmmmmmmm, where have I heard this scenerio before? Implosion? (sKally ponders briefly) Ah yes! Now I recall.

    Remember this:

    If man was supposedly created in gods image, then.....holy krap...we're all doomed.-sKallyWagger

    “What a blessing such integrity keepers are to the congregation!”(5/15/02 WT magazine, pg. 27)

  • sleepy

    God I just realised , the society is a bank.

    Lets see.
    Congregations lend the society their money.
    The society invest in stocks and shares.
    They make a profit on the money lent.
    They pay a small amount of inerest to the congregation.
    The society keeps the profit.
    They also give loans to congregations , that must be paid back.
    What is the difference betwwen that and a bank?
    Also note.
    The congregations need halls etc for their worship.
    The society suppossed to be Gods temple on earth or centre of worship.
    Gods temple is used as a bank that make a profit on those seeking to worship him.
    Didn't jesus beat the money changers out of the temple for doing the exact same thing?

  • metatron

    Looking for deep dark secrets?

    These would be some important areas:

    Foreign financial dealings - moving money in and out of other
    countries - possible violations of those countries' laws.

    Liabilities related to contributions made by older Witnesses
    or money that gets 'held' until needed by individuals

    Fully publicizing the fact that Witnesses who join the
    armed forces of any nation are automatically excommunicated.

    The relationship between the Watchtower's early history
    and occult customs at the turn of the century - especially
    the "Golden Dawn" cult.

    Bribery in all countries to move building projects along

    Lying to courts, public officials and sunorning perjury
    in court cases by legal representatives of the Society.

    that do for a start?


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