Born-in memories, etc this is my first post, guys ;-)

by ThunderStruck52 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Finkelstein

    Welcome to the forum TS52

    and welcome to the reality of the lies, corruption and ignorance of the Watchtower Publishing house.

    its devil of an organization ain't it.

  • humbled

    Yes--amazing to make it out! Good for all your family that you have made with your husband to be out!--Mom and Dad still in?

  • crmsicl

    nice to have you here.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Hi there ThunderStruck52,

    It sounds like you faded. Did you have a deciding moment that you said, aha, I am in a man made religion, full of fill flop doctrine's, that do not make sense to me.

    I have decided to make my life, outside "The Village" (in reference to the movie) (which is required University viewing, where I am from) and not be afraid, of what the WT/GB tell me to be afraid of.

    Welcome to joyous, happy, freedom of choice, for your life, outside of mind controlled, Watch Tower Land.

    LoisLane from The North Pacific

  • Dagney

    Welcome TS52 and thank you for sharing your story. Glad you made it out for yourself and now you can raise your kids to be free from the pressures we had growing up.

    I went to Dodger and LB as well, still in the area. Nothing quite like those stifling, hot Sunday afternoons if you ended up in the 3rd base sections. :)

    Look for ward to your posts.

  • ABibleStudent

    Welcome ThunderStruck52 , I'm sorry that the WTBTS made your life more difficult.

    Look on the positive side! You did break free of the WTBTS's BITE control fairly young and you can go to college if you want. It just will be more difficult now. Have you read any threads of former JWs going to college in their thirties and forties for inspiration?

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • ThunderStruck52

    @Humbled: mom still in and always will be. Dad never a jw but they are still together. Guess you can see who wore the pants in the fam, eh?

    @lois: The deciding moment or event per se came when I realized I could never shun my own children the way my sister was going to once her daughter was df'd. That was a few years ago, before then I was just another inactive jw not really planning on going back but I'd never go to the dark side hahaha. Well that ship has sailed and I'm glad I figured it out.

    thanks all for the kind and encouraging posts. I'm finding this all to be nicely therapuetic!

  • LisaRose

    Welcome, glad you are out and thanks for sharing your story. It makes me happy there is one less child who has to feel guilty for wanting to do things that the dubs consider wrong.

  • tootired2care

    Hi Thunderstruck,

    Welcome to the forum. I'll bet we probably crossed paths a few times at Long Beach, and maybe Norco too, I lived in O.C. until 2007. It's wonderful to be Watchtower free. It's terrible how they create a duality in us from such an early age, by making it criminal to connect with the world around us. The damage done over the many decades is incalculable. You will always find a sympathetic ear here, and I do hope that you find meaning and enjoyment in your life. P.M. me sometime if you ever want to chat.

  • Quandry

    Welcome to the forum! So glad you are out and now can have a wonderful family life free of the guilt put on you by the WTS.

    As another poster mentioned, it is never to late to get a degree. I am living proof. I was "in" for over thirty years. When I left, after my daughter was treated horribly by a JC and df'd for next to nothing, I realized it was all man-made. After a period of bewilderment and depression, I decided to get going. I went to college, graduated with a degree in History, and am now a first year teacher. I just turned 62 years old.

    Whatever you put your mind to do, go for it!

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