What happens with a JW commits adultery and his wife is pregnant

by Jessc8877 13 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Jessc8877

    Hello everyone,

    im not a JW but my recently X boyfriend is. He and were dating for the past 6 years. I found out he had gotten married to a JW in the last 1and a half of our relationship. He has already been shunned once for having a one night stand and child out of wedlock. There also was a time in our relationship where I caught him cheating on me in these online websites and doing dirty nasty things. I forgave him but never found out about the other woman he was dating for the same amount of time as me. He is begging me not to tell his wife. Even is trying to pay me off. I think she needs to know,but I would like to know what really will happen to him. Also his wife is 3 months pregnant. This whole thing sicken me!!! Will they shun him ? Will his wife just give him a smack on the hand? I'm pretty sure he gives two bleeps about his wife. I think he's more worried about what his family will think. Anyway, I'm trying to make a good decision that Wont hurt his wife terribly. It's not her fault he's the way he is.

    Any comments would be helpful.

  • jgnat

    Make him pay a lot. Then find a new boyfriend. Forget him. Don't worry about her. She'll figure it out.

  • LostGeneration

    Screwing around on the wife gives her the ability to divorce him and remarry.

    He will probably get Disfellowshipped (shunned) if she finds out and then reports to the congregation. He can get back in after a while, probably two years minimum in a situation like this.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    What Jgnat said..

    Turn up at his kindumb hall (church) and introduce yourself to his wife and parents would be my suggestion. It should all then kick off from there.....

  • jgnat

    I don't think you would get satisfaction by revealing all. I'm guessing the wife is dumb enough to forgive him. So go on a nice holiday with the guilt money. You've wasted enough years of your life on this dweeb.

  • Finkelstein

    JWs have just as many adulterators as in any other religious organization and they try to

    hide themselves within that religion as well

    .........until they get caught.

    Sorry but this guy sounds like scum of the earth, do whatever you can to hurt his ass is my opinion.

  • freddo

    Tell his wife and never ever ever, did I say ever? - have anything to do with him ever, ever, ever again. Hopefully you deserve better. Hopefully you won't be so dumb as to be taken in by a low-life like this again. Hopefully ...

  • ABibleStudent

    Welcome Jessc8877 , Move on with your life and be grateful that you are no longer dating a JW and an A$$hole.

    Your exBF sounds like he would lie, lie, lie if you did confront him in front of the elders or his wife. Also, depending on his status in the congregation the elders might try to protect him. Elders serve the WTBTS so it is alright to hide a JW's transgressions if a JW is willing to blindly serve the WTBTS and victimize other JWs.

    By the way have you watched the following video? It is a good description of life as a JW and it shows how an adulterous father is willing to shun his daughter so that he can be an elder again.


    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • nugget

    This man is a total creep he has a prenant wife plus 2 additional girlfriends and is still not satisfied. Are you not better than this? His wife and his situation are his problem. This is not a relationship but a mess you can't be the solution only part of his problem.

    In witness world if his wife discovers what a total scumbag she is married to, she can decide whether to divorce hin or not. As she is pregnant she may be under pressure to forgive him but this man is a letch and his pattern of behaviour shows that he will continue to be one. If the full extent of his behaviour comes to light then he will be asked to attend a judicial committee where elders will judge whether he is repentant. They will then decide whether to disfellowship him.

    Find a man who loves you and isn't always looking for the next opportunity, you need to value yourself and be someone's whole world. This man doesn't value the women he has, to him they are objects and his interest is in what they can do for him. It is all about him. Stop facilitating his bad behaviour.

  • Violia

    I am not sure about everywhere but I don't think you can divorce with the wife pregnant. It is for the mothers and babies protection, legal . I know someone who had to wait until the baby was born to divorce her scum bag husband.

    I would be torn about telling his wife b/c she is pregnant and what a terrible shock while expecting a baby.

    If you do decide to report him go to the elders and not his wife.

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