I am new here and had so many laughs for the first time in years. It took me a long time to find the courage to sign up. Thank you for existing
by umbertoecho 34 Replies latest watchtower bible
Found Sheep
must be shy
LoisLane looking for Superman
A man or woman of few words...
I'm a woman from Australia, raised in this religion. My family are devote and are distrustful of me lately as I have stopped going to the meetings. I mentioned the name of "Jesus Christ" to my sis the other day and she looked really uncomfortable. As though I was an apostate!! What is going on?
Found Sheep
please tell him the right site... I know he's not the first to not be able to post
Some browsers don't work well with the forum. Try the compatibility button on IE or switch to Chrome.
Welcome to the forum.
LoisLane looking for Superman
If you want to laugh, use JWN "search" and type in the JW Masturbating video for the hearing impaired.
That made me laugh so much.
What idiocy JW style!
I do not know if it is available for "pick up" at your local KHall or on jw.org but you can view it in our archives.
Welcome from The North Pacific.
Welcome and yes the name Jesus seems to make them a little wierd. JW's are so indoctrinated about Jehovah they forget christ or just see him as an angel that was made into a man to die for us and then went back to his father. JW's say thanks then move right back to thinking only about the father, yet they forget or never new that the father exalted Jesus to the highest position and to have a chance at a relationship with the father one must first be one with christ. This is a foriegn idea to Jw's 2 corth 13:5
welcome on board. Best wishes for the rest of your life.