It is that time of year again... I AM INVITING YOU ALL TO THE 2014 MEMORIAL OF JESUS DEATH

by suavojr 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasblind

    " Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves " ___John 6: 53



    The memorial of Jehovah's Witnesses is a reminder to abstain from transfusions

    Even from the blood of the Christ



  • Crazyguy

    Yes they take the command to go make disciples seriouly but were Jesus said u must drink my blood and u must be born again to see the kingdom of god, not so much. All there work for not.......

  • problemaddict

    There are two kinds of former JW's. The ones that go to memorial, and the ones than don't. I am trying to get my wife to make the jump with me this year, to the "don't" catagory.

    But once you stop going to the Memorial......the cat is extra out of the bag on you.

  • BluePill2

    Darn! I was hoping for something like last year to start a new Photoshop frenzy, over at my friends:

    That was a blast, and everybody had fun for weeks.

  • heathen

    There's nothing quite like seeing that waste of time... The one time of the year the most pious elder shows they aren't worthy of jesus sacrifice but wait a minute they are dukes and princes now and still should be obeyed no matter how insane their instructions sound ... oh what fun , hey I even know where to watch a LF eat the motza sticks and sip a little wine ... the excitement ... I'm thinking of going just to see if GOD curses him into a pile of maggots and puss for being a worthless fake ...

  • losingit

    Tempted to go just to partake, but honestly I can partake in peace at home and that would be way better.

  • LV101

    To those who partake (losing it and any others) what night - same as the Memorial?

  • Apognophos

    suavojr, for some reason when you say it that way, it sounds kind of ghoulish.

  • Syme

    Sheet! April 14 is also the date of my baptism!

  • suavojr


    What part sounds ghoulish?

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