Praise the Lord! God just helped me get a JOB!

by suavojr 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • suavojr

    Yes, the all mighty GOD has just helped me get a new job! All this happened without violating my manager’s freewill of course, making him think that I deserved the position. Unfortunately, there was another man with 2 kids and getting help from the government, which was turned down.

    I guess God has a better opportunity based in his divine plan...

    WOW, I used to think God was involved in all I did and wanted, but the truth is that I did not pray for this job at all. So who gave me the job? My current job will end this week, but I will not have to collect unemployment.

    My wife thanks good old Jehovah, but I simply thank myself for having the will and skill for a good paying job.

    How can believers think it is OKAY for us to have an invisible genie in a bottle to grant us what our hearts desire, while millions suffer?

  • Bob_NC

    Storm clouds forming near your house, thunder gettting closer and closer, beware of strategically aimed lightening strikes.

    Are ya sceered yet?

  • snare&racket

    When I stopped praying and started moulding my life with my own hands I was amazed at how much more successful self belief was than religious belief.

    i saw something I wanted, i worked for it. I wanted a door opened, i knocked on it. It doesn't always work, because, that is life amd other people are doing the same thing and we can't always win.

    I just can't believe I spent 26 yrs praying to empty space for things to happen, spending 26 yrs trying to understand the mute response, aside the intermiitent celebrations at apparant answers..... Oh look, I needed a new pen and there is one free with The Times today! I must tell the C.O.....

    Assembly stage echo: "so i prayed for the 'communication equipment' I needed and the lord did provide..."

  • Crazyguy

    I know of a guy that lost his job and then went straight to pioneering, thinking Jah would bless him with a job. Of course his faith was so high he didnt even put out any applications or resumes and of course didn't get a job either.

  • punkofnice

    How can believers think it is OKAY for us to have an invisible genie in a bottle to grant us what our hearts desire, while millions suffer?

    Because it gives hope......false though it is many feel cozy in this hope. They don't consider the bigger picture....that would destroy the cozy feeling that an imaginary sky fwend is there. A father figure, protecting. Making the individual feel special with the gift of immortality at the end of this struggle of a life.

    Of course, as I said to the 2 johos that called on me: 'You may as well pray to my back door...the answer's the or maybe!'

    If god did exist I wouldn't even lower myself to spit on his disgusting name let alone agree to worship the psycho.

  • Laika

    Nothing wrong with a little gratitude. Congrats on the new job. :)

  • punkofnice

    The LORD giveth, the LORD taketh away, Yay to the LORD. if god gives us stuff when we pray and denies it to others that deserve it, what does he take away or deny and why?

  • suavojr


    Not scared or worried yet and I am still well and fine


    i saw something I wanted, i worked for it. I wanted a door opened, i knocked on it. It doesn't always work, because, that is life amd other people are doing the same thing and we can't always win.

    YOU NAILED IT! work hard and get what you want...



  • suavojr

    punkofnice WELCOME BACK! I thought you were still taking time off.

    I must say, you threads were always the hardest for me to read. I was not able to stomach your reasoning, but I thank you for beign blunt!



    I am starting a new job soon, if all goes well. Zero prayers for me. I will be working harder than I have been in years, but I think I can provide more for my family. The funny thing is, I will get the job because dubs are leaving since the preaching is so urgent. The ones remaining are only part- timers. I don't think anyone but me will be willing to go the extra mile. My employer wants to grow the business and dubbies don't really take that seriously. I think with some hard work I can benefit the company.

    I am thinking of ten years from now, not just until the next DC. That's a no-no for Dubs. I plan on building a reputation for myself. Just call me Nimrod!!! Lol!!

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