This went bad, I hit click before I could post my thoughts about the Fear Factor going through our crazy Kingdom Hall. The Title of this thread was aimed at asking why the Governing Body is becoming so afraid and demanding the Elders and rank and file to put their trust in the Dukes of the Kingdom Hall. (Pslams 146:3).
The Governing Body is scared, their company men are terrified just as much as the OctoPope. We have a Circuit Overseer who has no problem telling us to "Shut up, sit down and turn off your thinking faculties" to surrender our brains and put blind faith in the Octopope. Weird, we have brothers now speaking of 12-13-14 as "The Return of Jesus Christ", the brother who is 101 years old could be part of the Generation who saw something in the newspaper about WW1 or 1914.
The Circuit and District Overseers are not afraid of telling us we need to not second guess anything we see. I wish the lawyers of victims of abuse by the evil men who hurt little children could get this on video tape. Your efforts are working against the Dictator (OctoPope)! The Watchtower's system of spreading their New Light is not working if you have brothers who are not keeping up with Present Truth and cling to Old Truth, why are we going through chaos, where is the "Unity" (Ephesians 4:) promised and why don't we have a Spiritual Paradise? No rational effort to combat the Watchtower's flimsy doctrines and unbiblical teachings will not go unnoticed. I finally reached another person after taking three months of gentle time and sneaky testing, questions and allowing publishers to go at their own spiritual pace are the key to breaking down walls of these false teachers and false prophets.
Allow time, go slow when teaching the Watchtower does not have the Truth. I found and numbers prove, people work better at their own pace to discover the flaws and fallacies the Watchtower is full of. If you are full of energy and full of words of hatred against the Watchtower Organization, the classic "My Country Right Or Wrong" mental wall will protect your brothers from learning the truth about the Watchtower. The case, the Watchtower is running on empty and batting down the hatches with all their talk of blindly obeying the OctoPope and Dukes and Princes.