So what is the Society doing with all that $$$?

by QuestioningEverything 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rattigan350

    It irritates me that people contribute to the WTBTS when they could do better with it by helping those in need like their local animal shelters.

  • jamclark

    Hmmm, well from buying properties, then building/refurbishing with volunteers (and some contractors), maintaining, then selling for a profit (not taxed) they make a lot of money. Then of course donations, gifts, wills, etc.

    It certainly goes into printing and distributing bibles and literature. Some into making dramas and their cartoons. Then some into modest allowances for those at bethel, overseers, missionaries, etc.

    I feel many "qualified" individuals receive a nice monthly allowance (akin to a pension). They are held to strict secrecy.

    I would not be surprised they pay for some to get university education (or help pay back loans). This is for a long-term committment to JWorg.

    Perhaps the Governing Body have two sets of living arrangements for its members. One for show as in modest. One for their particular tastes, such as Rutherford's Bath Serim (sp?) and his cars.

    And they have a pool of money (in the Kingdom Hall Assistance Fund) to pay off molested members (and others) so they settle out of court. Have done so in the past. And still ask for funds to enable it to build/repair more Kingdom Halls, but not for its other purposes.

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