Usually I'm spending most of the meeting reading through the Bible .so my time spend there is not entirely lost .I used to enjoy how in the old NWT you could look up a verse and then following the side references I could get a pretty good picture on that verse.Usually the explanation would be contrary to the official JW doctrine.Last Sunday meeting I opened the Revised NWT to do exactly the same thing ,and then it hit me ! The Revised NWT has removed more that half of the references used in the previous version.What more the references they left only lead you to verses that support JW doctrine.This a WATERED DOWN VERSION of the previous edition.What do you think ?Could it be that this is part of their continous plan to dumb down all remaining JWs?
The real reason behind the Revised New World Tranlation
by raymond frantz 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Without doubt, it is all deliberate, to increase the control the GB has. Much of the old NWT furnished me with reasons for further research, not least the clunky language used as they tried to render the original in a very literal way.
All of that is gone.
The most dangerous thing a JW can do is read what the Bible Really Teaches. The GB cannot have that happening !
RF: The Revised NWT has removed more that hald of the references used in the previous version.What more the references they left only lead you to verses that support JW doctrine.
You will appreciate this thread:
Don't Miss the Meetings - Hebrews 10:24, 25 Re-examined
Jon Preston
I figured this out too....i tried finding all these scriptures to help my wife and none of them are there, nor any of the reference words i looked for.
Please explain what u mean, the little letters that point to another scripture in the middle of the page or are u talking about something different?
The WTBTS is a dangerous cult!! The "I" in BITE control stands for information control, so it makes perfect sense that the WTBTS will only print references in the new NWT to support the WTBTS's doctrines as well as alter the translations to support their doctrines and/or keep the WTBTS out of litigation.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
The Searcher
There was information posted on here several months ago which revealed court papers for a case in a New York court.
It was filed by an individual male plaintiff, and the defendants included the WTBTS of Pennsylvania and The New World Translation Writing Committee.
Could this have been instrumental in the sudden change in the NWT? Also, does anyone on the other side of the pond have any info on that case?
..............................................................In Watchtower World..
..The Bible is Used.............................To Support the WatchTower..................Shame On You WatchTower!!..
I agree with you 100%!!
I noticed the same thing. I remember learning TTATT, and noticing that nothing was written in the appendix of the NWT concerning Revelation 19:1, which reads, " After these things I heard what was as a loud voice of a great crowd in heaven." The little cross reference given was Daniel 7:10. It does not adress WTBTS GC contradictions at all. Then I checked the index...
GREAT CROWD, Mr 12:37 g. was listening
Re 7:9 g., which no man was able to number
Re 19:6 voice of a g. and a sound of manyAs you can see, Revelation 19:1 is totally omitted from the index. That, plus the maze of cross-references that go nowhere....hmmmm??? Now we have the RNWT for dummies. The RNWT is inferior to the NWT in my opinion. I had an Elder ask me what I thought about the RNWT. He was making jokes because my NWT is highlighted and has much writing in the margins, and many Strong's numbers written in. He said, " I guess you will have to highlight a new bible now.." When I told him it was ok and shrugged, he looked annoyed. Then a real look of disappointment appeared on his face. I feel sorry for him, he really thinks it's the best bible ever made in all of human history..
RF & DD, thanks for the post and your observations.