was this talk recorded ?
Morris in Italy
by Achille 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
In Rome, in cable connection with the Kingdom Halls.
Ciao a tutti sono utente Italiano. Morris inoltre ha parlato di cannolo (tipico dolce italiano) e di un uccello (vaccaro testa marrone) lungo 18 centimetri. Ma tenere negli USA questo membro del CD. Non lo fate venire piĆ¹ in Italia. E venuto a mettere odio nelle famiglie tradizionalmente unite dal vincolo affettivo di parentela. ----------------- Traslete----------Hello everyone I am an Italian user. Morris also spoke of cannoli (traditional Italian sweet) and a bird (head herdsman brown) long 18 cm. But keep this in the U.S. Member of the CD. You do not come to Italy. It came to put hatred in families traditionally united by the emotional bond of kinship.
Not content with the quotes I gave about an hour of my time listening to the YouTube recording.. I found the quotes to be accurate . Except that a bit of context might be fair re. the necktie quote. What he actually said was that (from memory) " There is no way that I would wear that tie - but that is his choice, there is nothing wrong" ...making the point that elders do not insist on their own style choices , unless it is believed to be immodest.
It is weird that he endorsed Disneyland "There is nothing wrong with it, we took our boys", and yet when talking of films and TV he denounced those that feature "uncanny practices". I wonder how you explain to the kids that they cannot have a "Sparlock " toy but the F & D S say it is good to visit :
The Magic Kingdom
Meet Merlin & become a sorcerer's apprentice
Tinkerbell's Magical Nook
Aladdin's Magical Carpet