ohh comon there saul , if you aren't a dubby in good standing you are also worshipping the GOD of this world , according to WTBTS dogma . these people lied for the longest time about the generation just to sell magazines and keep their free apartment in brooklyn , now they are changing the FDS dogma to , they never were the FDS and jesus will appoint one when he reinspects the church during the tribulation of which they now say has not even started . That's what I've seen being stated here. Just exactly what claim do they have to the truth if they've been lying and misleading people ?
Is The Governing Body Over Jehovah's Witnesses A Bunch Of Arrogant Old Retirees Considering After All That They Claim To Be Christ's Right Hand Man Directing His Dad's Organization On Earth?
by frankiespeakin 31 Replies latest watchtower scandals
"I rest my case against these retarted ass wipes" You said it perfectly!
I’m sorry to say, I will never drench myself in the blood of innocence. But the point was what’s the purpose of your hateful arguments. No one from the governing body hears it; no one who is a true JW listens to this pathetic rhetoric. When Jesus stated only through him, salvation would be. It wasn’t just a statement, that lets say The Muslims believe Mohammed spoke to God and became a Prophet, or that somehow Peter wished to heighten or elevate his status better than Christ as the Roman Catholic say, or that REV Joseph Smith Walked with Christ in the New World. Jesus was the last and only Sacrifice for all mankind. No other prophets would come after him. Where is your hatred toward all these false religions? If you’re seeking the truth, find it and enlighten the masses to follow in Christ foot steps. Become a theologian research all that you can from the past and learn of much of what has been said in the past new revelations have emerged by recent discoveries. Do you scorn what past policies and publications the Catholic Church has printed that have no bearing in today’s society? Or nonfictional books like the book or Mormons that cater to a delusional but smart person who got around the laws of that time by proclaiming himself a prophet? When the time comes, we will all be judged by the only true god. So no thanks even if I fry I won’t worship Satan in any form. I’ll leave that up to people like you that gather great strength in doing he’s bidding.
The venom comes from being lied to.
Not many here were ever emotionally invested in the lies of other religions as can be ascertained by the name of this website.
Maybe you don't get it yet, Saul, but you've been duped.
Hi Saul,
Don't knock the Roman Catholics. Without them we wouldn't have the Bible as it exists today, Christianity wouldn't be spread around the world as much as it is, and JW's wouldn't have the name 'Jehovah' to claim for themselves.
Besides, who do you think God was using between 100CE and 1900CE as his organisation?
If you were born during that time and were being led to God, which church would you have had to go to?The problem with todays GB is that according to their teachings, 'todays' GB were not alive at 1919 when the master appointed their forebears as the FDS, so where do these new guys get their authority from?
They also teach commands of men as doctrines. And they 'unsteadily' keep changing their doctrines. They rule with an iron fist, not with love.
Well said...I have been on this site for a short while...so much information, yet, as you say, GB's don't hear it, true witnesses don't believe it. When an ex witness has a chance to really TTATT, they back away or say or do something cleaver. Nothing ever comes of it...Mad at God, why, they are not mad at God, they are angry with themselves for believing stuff that they knew wasn't true, but blame God. Yet, some where the same before they left the Org. hitting folks over the head with their doctrine, shunning folks. As you say, why not knock all religious sects, none of them have it right...not one. The bible is just telling us how to be kind to one another...that's it....life lessons.
I just wanted to comment on your comment...I feel the same way...I'm a witness, & I know, TTATT, but know TTATT re: all religions...Jesus is the way to God...so in plain English, follow him...imitate him, love like him...LOVE covers a multitude of sins...& makes the world go 'round..
Well saul this is a jehovah witness discussion forum so we air our grievances and I certainly have seen some very good info from these discussions. I'm not afraid to give my opinion on other religions , the RCC is the whore of babylon and the rest are mere cults that have bastardized the faith into the likeness of the whore and seem to only care about what your politics are ,so friendship with the world is enmity with GOD and going after the devils system which has nothing to do with GODs kingdom no matter how many times you read some of those fake scriptures in the bible that attempt to show support for the Romans even in romans 13 , absolutely insane to believe the romans were using the sword for good when murder was entertainment to them and they murdered the saints because they wouldn't worship ceasar and paul was one of them . The WTBTS condmemns all for not having faith in men in brooklyn , you either worship them as gods or you are worshipping the devil , because they say so.
From the King James Bible 1611 Apostle Paul wrote @ Timothy 3: 12 Yea, and all that will liue godly in Christ Jesus, shall suffer persecution. 13 But evil men and seducers shall wade worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceiued. 14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned, and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them. 15 And that from a childe thou hast known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise onto salvation through faith which is in Christ Iesus. 16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, & is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousnesse, 17 that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished onto all good works
New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures
12+ In fact, all those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted. 13+ But wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse, misleading and being misled.14+ You, however, continue in the things that you learned and were persuaded to believe, knowing from what persons you learned them 15+ and that from infancy you have known the holy writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through the faith in connection with Christ Jesus. 16+ All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, 17+ that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.
This forum is not a discussion site. It’s a hate mongering site. If anyone was removed from an organization that strives to be clean, then they have every right to do so regardless if it is agreeable to those or not. Didn’t the Vatican just release or Defrock 400 priests? Jesus stated to be followers of GOD not man. The only people that view the GB as the ultimate are those that have forgotten Christ teachings. A true follower will adhere to Gods words and if not you prophase to be better than God as Satan did and your soul will be judged by God not man as it is being done now. There is NO man alive that can deem themselves perfect. All men are fellable, but to distort your lies with more lies makes you even less than the organization you attack. If you pretend to be a follower of Christ, then GOD will correct your mistakes through whatever means necessary, or remove you from being a hypocrite. Back in the 70’s and 80’s The Born Again Christians Fully believed that JESUS was God a lie inherited by the Catholic Church. It wasn’t until the 90’s that they corrected themselves by stating Jesus was the son of god. Pastor Russell never prophesied to be a prophet as Muhammad did or Rev Joseph Smith. Russell broke away from misleading ideology that people were preaching at that time just as the Knights Templar did from the Roman Catholic only to be prosecuted and killed by the very same church they had sworn to defend. Has any JW died from this organization for breaking away? Aren’t your distortions and lies proof of that? People are free to believe or disbelieve whatever they want, but if you chose the path of god and have faith in him, then you adhere to the words of Paul. What has man learned from being around for 7000 thousand years, here’s and example. Evangelist Joel Osteen was asked in the CNN Piers Morgan Show if a Gay couple invited him to a gay ceremony would he attend. First he said, probably not, then Piers asked his wife, and she said Sure I would go, if she had the time, then Joel said I would go also. The same thing Adam did with Eve to eat from the forbidden tree. What humanity has learned is nothing but to follow man, that’s why were posed for destruction because we can’t simply tell our mates NO I WONT ATTEND BECAUSE I BILIEVE IN THE WORDS OF GOD AND REFUSE TO BE CONDEMED BY HIM.
As for changing doctrine, they follow the understanding approach. To understand if something knew has been found to better understand seems to me that’s the way to go. Why would I keep an old thought if new evidence has been found? Just like the Iranians that hide biblical archeology from the world so as not to have further evidence the bible is the word of god, to heighten Muhammad teaching to lie to billions of people through Islam, as SPLASH BUT IT Without the Roman Catholic we wouldn't have the Bible as it exists today, Christianity wouldn't be spread around the world as much as it is, and JW's wouldn't have the name 'Jehovah' to claim for themselves, even though the Pope told all their priest in 2012 to REMOVE ALL MENTION of the NAME of GOD JEHOVAH from any place it was written even in the VACILICA. Why hide gods name, why hide proof the bible existed back then. Back then GOD wanted for all mankind to follow in the footsteps of Christ. How many religions do that now?
ohh so I see people here are just haters because they can't live under the WTBTS structure and deserve to get the boot .. BULLSHIT to you sir . Most here left quietly , you haven't even been here a couple of days and you cast judgement ? I have seen the evil manipulative ways the org. uses to control first hand , I refused to let them pull the wool over my eyes on their doctinal falacies so they begin to persecute and insult like the mental midgets most of them are because they are afraid to question , they are afraid of the truth which is they are being lied too by a bunch of fake corporate idiots that change back and forth over their dogma to the point it is not even worth the paper it's written on let alone peoples lives it controls . They even now admit they never were the FDS , so where's the authority coming from? No appointment , no authority ,,,
I would like to add not only are they arrogant, but I feel Anthony Morris's Homophobe speech to his Italian Corporation publishers may indicate that he is a gay male in denial.