The following is a rough draft letter that I would send if I felt the need to get out of the bOrg.
Here is what I would write...
To Whom It May Concern:
For various reasons I have chosen not to be disfellowshipped by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.
In addition to this I have also decided to not disassociate myself from your organization because, I desire to maintain my current loving relationships with friends and family.
If my friends and family, as a result of this letter, decide not to associate with me anymore, I know in my heart that this is not my fault and that I have done everything within my self-respecting means to keep that from happening.
This letter is not for the purpose of debate. No one ever wins an argument.
It is my opinion, however, after evaluating my own experiences and my careful study of the history of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, that they are not worthy of the title “God’s Earthly Organization”, therefore I am not subject to them.
In the business world...the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society would be considered in "Breach of Contract" because of their failed prophecies and cover-ups.
Since the WTBS has not held up their end of the bargain, one doesn’t have to be subject to them...end of contract.
Any organization that has contradicted their own beliefs by means of their own published periodicals should not have the auspicious position of claiming to be led by an almighty and perfect God.
As far as I’m concerned, your organization doesn’t exist.
I’m not scared of you (Deut. 18:22) and you have no power over me.