I noticed they removed several important ones like Mark 16:9-20 Acts 8:37 and Romans 16:24, so how does one find out if there is any relevance to them removing these verses and others. They of course say these verses were not found in the oldest manuscripts so how can we see if they are correct or lying???
the new jw bible and the verses they removed
by Crazyguy 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
I think that they are correct with one of the verses , I did some digging on the net . It is easy to do .
Do your research and you will see that MANY verses are not in the old manuscripts. Yet they have stayed.
Why not delve a little deeper and find out what books made it into the cannon while other books did not .
And who decided what books made it into the bible ? About the 3rd/4th century... Christendom ? / .Apostates ?
just saying
Romans 16:24 was not in the 1971 bible either, this one was updated from 1961 and 1970 therefore in this new version, they must have reverted back to my older version. I like to have a few different bibles on hand for such occassions like this. When I showed this old/new deletion to my sister she was noneplussed. She likes to toss out the old light as soon as the new light comes to hand,which turns out to be the old light.
S&R hits the nail on the head, the motive for removal is what counts. The motive is purely to remove verses that do not fit their Theology in 99% of the cases.
It is the same with the changes in wording, more often than not it is their beliefs that colour their renderings.
This happens with all editions of the Bible to some degree, but the WT is underhanded and dishonest in the extreme in this "Translation".
I think the method the WT uses to show removed verses (the verse number followed by a long dash) probably gives some people more of the feeling that something has been taken out. The NIV, for example, simply leaves out the verse number (e.g. 44 . . . 46 . . . ) and then uses a footnote to explain the missing verse 45. The purpose, in either case, is to maintain verse numbering coorespondence with the KJV. The NWT Reference Bible usually has footnotes explaining which major MSS have/do not have the particular text.
Take Care
Just goes to show how 'inspired' the bible is if god can't make up it's mind what should be there and what should be missing. You preserved your bible well god....NOT.
The new JW bible will only be edited to serve their cult doctrines.
The GB and their suck ups only care about power, money and paedophile protection.
Just a question?
Are there many more verses like this that were deleted?