I've only JUST worked this out....

by quellycatface 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • KateWild

    Often asked this myself. My guess 60%-cantleave

    I am afraid I disagree. I would say the people who really wanted to be at the actual meeting were, those who had items and those who enthusiastically participated in answering up. I would say that was more like 10%. Others were just there for before and after gossip and chit chat.

    Many just sit there with a glazed look over their face. Steve Hassan describes this as a hypnotic state, and indoctrination is very sucessful when many are in this state. That's why they go back for more, it all just keeps going in. Very dangerous. He even says falling asleep is a hypnotic state, how many of us fell asleep during SAs, CAs and DCs. I know I did.

    Kate xx

  • Crazyguy

    The church I wish to attend had a 20% growth in one year, find one kh with that kind of growth.i

  • notjustyet

    You forgot about dieing.


  • DesirousOfChange

    Some of us just take longer to see ttatt.

    Guilty as charged.


  • quellycatface

    It now makes me laugh when the dubs say "my whole family is in the truth", it's nothing to be proud of. They can't let, simple as that.

  • Xanthippe

    Very true, that's why they want you to alienate all the nonJW people in your life as soon as possible and get as many of you relatives in. Then bang goes the trap! You are stuck in with your loved ones and all the people you used to know have moved on. Brilliant and evil.

  • Fernando

    What about the PEW stats that 2/3rds of those brought up as JWs leave?

  • FadeToBlack

    I think KW brings up a valid point about the 'hypnotic' state. It is almost like they want the meetings to be drab and boring. Most of the audience will be semi-conscious and open to the recited drivel. If nothing else, to make them feel guilty for not doing more/givng more. I flat out told my wife that the meetings were extremely boring and that I would be more than happy to attend a service where there was some real discussion. How could talking about God or the bible be boring (even if you don't belive in either)?

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