My Son has had two very big University interviews

by CaptainSchmideo 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • CaptainSchmideo

    One for MIT last month, and one for Princeton tonight.

    If I told this to people at my old hall, I am sure the reaction would be the same as if I broke a big, noisy windblast in front of them.

    But I have to brag about it to someone, so, I will do it here.

    We will not know anything about whether he is going to be accepted for a couple of months yet, but, as they say, this $%^# just got real!

  • snare&racket

    Congratulations, that is a huge achievment in itself.

    tell your son, they interview people they want, they are just making sure he is the same guy in person that he is on paper. If he goes and is himself, he will do great!

    Great work, an internet high 5 for your lad!

  • Oubliette

    Congrats! What would be his field of study?

  • smiddy

    Kudos to you ( and whoever ) for encouraging your son to apply for a university spot , and to your son for putting in the hard yards to even gain an interview with one . I too am interested in what field/s your son is interested in. Keep us posted

    Congratulations to you both


  • Xanthippe

    That's very exciting! He's done really well to get those interviews and you should be proud of him and of yourself. Let us know how it goes. My daughter is having a great time at university.

  • AnnOMaly

    Congratulations to your son for getting that far! Wow. Good for him! I hope he gets accepted. You'll let us know?

    (Been through a similar process with one of mine recently and it turned out well.)

  • CaptainSchmideo

    Thanks, he wants to study in the STEM field.

    And the news gets better.

    This morning, he received an solid offer from one of the local Universities (for which he already was accepted) for a "full-ride" scholarship, which pays all tuition, some fees and room and board, a technology voucher (for a laptop etc), and a study abroad voucher.

    Hey, I'M jealous. I think back on the blown opportunities of my youth. I decided long ago that this would not happen to my kids, if I could help it.

  • coffee_black

    Congratulations to you and your son!


  • wasblind

    Congrats Captain

    Hello Coffee_Black, whats the updated on your grandson

    if your don't mind my askin'

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Congratulations. You must be so proud. I know alumni from both schools.

    They are well-endowed. I graduated from similar schools and paid less than if I attended a state school. In fact, I can't honestly say that I paid more than a de minimum amount. I always beg people to evaluate the final financial aid offers. They were generous not only in grants for tuition and room and board. I would highlight my hair but not have money to maintain it. Friends told me to ask for discretionary money. I felt like an idiot but I kept getting checks from the financial aid office. My dream is to replace my scholarship money and set up a grant program for working-class/poor students to get interview suits, facials, etc.

    Your son is going to be part of the Establishment. The Establishment is lucky. I doubt the KH crowd can even appreciate his accomplishment or his total depravity. I've cried and laughed about the Witness mindset. My classmates felt entitled. I would sit in seminars in these beautiful rooms and think about the KH losers who could not read. I went from a cheap salesman counseling me to Nobel laureates in a few months.

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