Your OP
You need to be careful what you 'think' now..
by Dis-Member 16 Replies latest social current
Meh. I work in behavioral health and we treat people every day with delusions. If the beliefs are true, why do they go away with medication and therapy, and why does the patient function better in daily life afterwards (work, social, grooming)?
The alleged time when she was in court-ordered therapy appears to overlap with her documented time in federal prison for repeatedly failing to pay taxes.
What appears to be unconfirmed is her mental illness or treatment.
OK, so I scanned the WP article about LH. She is apparently a talented, but emotionally fragile person.
Here's an excerpt:
- She later described this period of her life to Essence saying "People need to understand that the Lauryn Hill they were exposed to in the beginning was all that was allowed in that arena at that timeā¦ I had to step away when I realized that for the sake of the machine, I was being way too compromised. I felt uncomfortable about having to smile in someone's face when I really didn't like them or even know them well enough to like them." She also spoke about her emotional crisis, saying, "For two or three years I was away from all social interaction. It was a very introspective time because I had to confront my fears and master every demonic thought about inferiority, about insecurity or the fear of being black, young and gifted in this western culture." She went on to say that she had to fight to retain her identity, and was forced "to deal with folks who weren't happy about that."
Before 'Witness My Fury' started the ignorant insulting, my simple purpose was to show that not all theories scientific or conspiracy are wrong or as nutty as some oh so intelligent and very rashly rational folk would believe.
There are countless instances when these very 'nutty' theories have been proved to be very true and proved as fact.
That's all. Pretty simple I thought. What is it with people in here? Why the need to always attack and insult others non stop? Accusing people of being mental, nut cases, smoking drugs etc.
Disgusting behaviour. There are some very unhealthy and nasty individuals hovering in this place.
I'm not sure who is more mental.. someone who has an open mind to all kinds of thought and ideas.. or someone who spent over half their life living a lie in the Borg. I am pretty confident I know which of the two needs some serious counselling.
What about the little known fact that the CIA infiltrated the Watch Tower organization and controls the Governing Body and their differrent committees and they are forming a worldwide group of zombielike adherents. These peaceful people have been programmed to respond to whatever they are told by the leaders of this Governing Body puppet of the CIA. They get more and more extreme to intentionally drive out those with stronger minds to build a stronger legion of mindless followers. In 2013 they published an article in a Watchtower magazine informing these followers that some instructions may come in the future that seem unusual but they must be obedient. What future intentions the CIA has for this worldwide network of lemmings is yet unkown.
Witness My Fury
My comment about you was regarding your comparision of this site to a conspiracy theory site, not about your OP. Stay focused and try not to take everything as a personal attack.