Thoughts After Saturday Morning Service

by lambsbottom 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • lambsbottom

    Went out with a good friend in service this morning. My spouse and kiddos joined us. Me and my spouse are awake JWs, have gotten over the initial shock and disgust with some of the lame WT doctrine, and are determined to let God direct us WHEREVER he may (even to another church - I'm going to a baptist service tommorow).

    We have fun doing a little bit of service with the kiddos, letting them watch deer, play with sticks, and write not-at-homes down. Good times. And, my spouse and I just share one scripture with the householder and say how nice it is to talk with them. No salesmanship, no pressure, no thinking our faith is better than theirs. Life is good! Why judge them?

    Anyway, was just thinking how many awake JWs there are. I think we would be surprised at how many there are. A lot of JWs my age (around 30s) know whats up. Just my opinion, but I think that the generation behind me is going to buck the JW system so hard, there won't be any of them in the KHs.

  • mynameislame

    I've known a few people I supected were there just because they liked something about being a JW rather than actualy believing it.

    On the same line of reasoning I have often wondered about the mormons too. What possess smart educated people to believe that stuff.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Welcome, Lambsbottom, to the forum!

    Excellent attitude; your observations are much appreciated.

    I, too, never cared for the high-pressure pitch nor the "directing interested ones to God's organization." Sharing a thought from Scripture was my m.o. You're correct about younger ones like yourself being aware, more so than we older ones have been.

    Never too late to Awake!

    Best regards.


  • whathappened

    I hope you are right about so many thirty-something's and the younger generation being awakened. I hate to think JWs will go on and on.

  • exwhyzee

    I hope you are right about so many thirty-something's and the younger generation being awakened. I hate to think JWs will go on and on.

    I think this is true not only of teens and twenty somethings but of 30 and 40 year olds as well. They know all the do's and don't rules about the religion but cant really explain in any depth, the basis of the doctrines JW's beleive. That's why they get so defensive when you ask them anything beyond the basics.

    I think the next group of adults coming up will change the face of the religion and will sand off all the hard to deal with rough edges that exist now until it is no more than just a nice way of life that works for some. They won't have the basic grounding that enables one to fully carry out what the WT society want them to do. It will be very frustrating for the G.B. to deal with the upcoming apathy.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I've known a few people I supected were there just because they liked something about being a JW rather than actualy believing it.

    I think there are lots of active & semi-active JWs still doing it (faking it) for the family contact and social contact and because it has not yet caused them any personal harm. I think the percentage would be astounding. These do not even contribute much to support things. Overall they are a drain on the Org.

    Additionally, there is another whole group of JWs who remain active because they have no idea what they believe -- they could not explain any of the deeper doctrines nor any of the changes through the years. They simply are JWs in name only because they were born-ins. They attend the weekly (social) meetings with the group on Sun & Wed/Thurs, and they enjoy the recreational opportunities that come with being part of the group. This group does contribute and perhaps over contribute to ease their guilt of not doing more.

    I'd say the two groups easily amount to 2/3 of the JWs who show up every Sunday.


  • BluesBrother

    " They won't have the basic grounding that enables one to fully carry out what the WT society want them to do. "

    They certainly won't be grounded in the faith. When we learned it , the books took pages to explain something and to do so in depth.. We were taught and repeated over and over the key scriptures that "supported the doctrines" Any dub could explain the deeper things .. Nowadays the study primers are so basic that the up and coming have little idea of the why's and wherefore's of their faith . It is little wonder that they may see it as a social club with spirituality on the side,

    Lambsbottom.... I am intrigued as to how you cope with it all if you are "awakened" . Do you - report your time? - place literature - invite to meetings - work with other dubs??

    I only know that when I learned the TATT , that all stopped.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    I suspect you are right that a lot of the younger generation (normal meaning of 'generation', not JW cult ridiculous 'overlapping' sense, haha) of JW's are awake or partially awake. I think it's mostly because the younger generation are so internet and digital social group savvy. Was it browsing the internet that woke you up?

  • clarity

    Hi.... lovely to just speak from YOUR own heart..isn't it!

    Congratulations on your awakening! It is a big shock for

    most of us!


    ...., and are determined to let God direct us WHEREVER he may "


    May I be so bold as to say ...why don't you take some time to

    really figure out what YOU WANT...for a change.


    Sounds like you are still a bit jw programmed...waiting to let

    someone else DIRECT YOU!


    Take your time ..there is no hurry.

    Best wishes to your whole family!


  • NewYork44M

    You have a great attitude. I remember going out in service after I learned TTATT. For me it was the most dreadful experience ever imagined. I still have nightmares.

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