Outlaw! You just made my day. Lol
Elder and CO just dropped by....
by El_Guapo 47 Replies latest jw friends
I hope the elders don't all invite you to their homes now...
that would be the logical thing to do, Ding. But, these are conditional loving peeps, so probably not..... Lol
Yup ...that's our El_Guapo ...he gets things done!!!!
El Guapo, your story rings true of almost all the Kingdom Halls in the United States! No sane Jehovah's Witness can deny the fact most Elders are WallFlowers when it comes to shepherding the flock (Ezk 34:1-....) most are worthless, a few are really loving people but more got the position for reasons other than truly wanting to lovingly watching over the Flock.
If you want to be part of the "Party Group" and "Hospitality Wagon", there is no sure-fire formula because Witnesses get very mad and hateful quickly, you might sin against the "Shakers" without knowing you did anything until your totally excluded from all Witness Gatherings. Are they not the most loving religion?
At one of the last CO's visits I attended, he related how embarrassing it was to be with Elders doing "Shepherding Calls" and the Elders have no idea where the Publisher's live ! They are fumbling around with maps and addresses and still can't find how to get to the house of the publisher they are to visit. Why? The elders have never been there and never thought about a visit before the CO arrived.
It just reveals how little interest these so-called "shepherds" really have in their flock.
Good job, El Guapo !! Put these idiots on Jump Street !
Great story, love it. I heard from my elderly JW that they get visit from CO and elder when there is lunch or dinner hour, so they can get free meal. When I visited them last summer, my elderly relative was making a lunch, we did not see each other for while, so she was kinda happy to see me and chat about life. Some elderly senility was clearly visible, but nice way. Right before the noon, I heard a door bell, and when I opened there were two individuals inquiring about my relative's well being, but clearly curious who I was. Because I did not know them, so I did not let them in as they tried, and I had closed door on them. My relative was opposite site of the house, so she did not hear them. When I had returned to kitchen, I mentioned there were two strange, unfriendly individuals, who wanted to get in... When my relative looked out of window, she saw them walking away.. She said, you know, it is lunch time, they wanted to stop by for free meal, they been doing it for some times and go around the JW community to get some free ride. Soon enough, I heard that later that week from other JW relatives as well, who live on limited income, while CO or DO is riding his ass in Audi.
Maybe your KH did not progress as much into leeching from others as it had happened in Eastern Europe.
Wasanelder Once
When they were grooming me for CO, the CO confided in me and showed me the form he had to fill out for his visit, in it he was to list if he had visited and engouraged an inactive person. So, dont be fooled into thinking he gives a rats a**. Its on the report form baby! He'll make excuses that the elder was put off by your personality or some crap. You think you can win with these fools? Nope. Felt good though and that's what counts.
nice work you made them look like wt zombies .. without even dissing the wt. very nice.
They are always so fake. This elderly brother who was in a senior home that our family was good friends who died at the beginning of last year would always know that when the elders came around, it must mean that it is a C.O's visit.