Our Anthony Morris III RANT!
by Newly Enlightened 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hi guys ....nice wedding pic...if we could only have
avoided getting involved with a cult huh?!
Good video ..... thanks for doing it.
Mike can really get wound up ..haha I think I
would be the same!!! Hey what is with the ear ring
Mike ...never noticed it before, was it to 'stick it to Tony T?
all the best
I've said this before, but I believe it bears repeating: Anthony Morris is a homophobic bigot. He's probably projecting his own self-loathing over his surpressed homosexual desires.
It would be bad enough if he were just a guy, but the influence he has over the minds and hearts of millions of obedient JWs make his utterances truly shameful.
I honestly can't see how his speech does not fall under "hate crime" statutes.
Newly Enlightened
We've got his talk on audio recording, we're going to send it to the rainbow coalition and other Gay activists groups...that is hate speech if I ever heard any
Oh Gawd
Watching crazy people attack crazy people is a special sort of entertainment.
batshit crazy people.
May I suggest that you also send this tape to the Huffington Post? The editor of the "Gay Voices" page might be especially interested in hearing it.
NE: we're going to send it to the rainbow coalition and other Gay activists groups...that is hate speech if I ever heard any
Great idea. Please keep us posted about their response.
Gives another slant on Anthony "Hot dog" Morris
NE: we're going to send it to the rainbow coalition and other Gay activists groups...that is hate speech if I ever heard any
Thats a bloody good idea , also anti-discrimination bodies might also be interested in this as well as church groups who do not discriminate against same sex couples and welcome them without being judgemental .
The more the wider community hears this type of hate speach/ravings of the hierarchy in the jehovahs witness religion the better .