your patience and tact paid off.
Hubby's Exited
by jgnat 120 Replies latest members private
I'de go full bore deprogramming mode.
Nathan Natas
Jgnat, I am very happy for you, and recall the words of the King who said, "A worthy woman who can find? For her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband trusteth in her, And he shall have no lack of gain. She doeth him good and not evil All the days of her life..." -- Proverbs 31:10-31
What I never understood is who is this Ruby chick, and what was her price?
Wow! What I find so incredible is not that he exited but that you remained so patient snd tolerant for 12 years. I am afraid that I dould not do that. I admit that I did the complete opposite. I confronted him head on with what he was putting at risk. I told him that I would not stay married to a man that would put a false god and organization ahead of me and our marriage. I told him that our marriage had always been my number one priority but if it wasn't going to be his then it would no longer be mine. I cried a lot and lost my temper. I told him that I would not be afraid to voice my opinion and tell him when he was wrong, that I would not walk on eggshells in my own home. Well surprisingly, my tactics worked for me. Now I did have the benefit of his kids not wanting anything to do with the JW s either, nor does he have any family in the organization except for one sister overseas who now has nothing to do with us. Oh, I also told the pesky elder to stay away from my house. It has now been over a year since he has had anything to do with them and all appears to be going well. We will see how long it lasts but I am hopeful.
Now I admit that my method should not have worked and I don't recommend it for everyone but 12 years, not for me.
revised count 7,999,999!
That remote magical place? Canada has tons of them. This was a small town in the Rockies, two hours on the highway either way to civilization. No Kingdom Hall.
Yes, I read one of Steve Hassan's books. I am a fan, because his stuff works.
Nathan, hubby knows he's struck rich. ;)
ingimar, I think your approach worked because you knew your husband, and knew how hard to push. I think every spouse has to decide what their breaking point is.
Funny and sad about the anti-depressants? Yes! LOL. If you knew my husband you would know how well that fits. I figure that little bit of knowledge can help others.
Julia Orwell
That is brilliant!!! Hubby may find a void now the busy kh crowd is out of his life so take him out
That is wonderful news! Congratulations!
Congratulations jgnat!! I'm sure that your husband just needs to meet a few more non-JWs to realize how much nicer non-JWs are to JWs.
Has he read Steve Hassan's book CCMC yet? That might seal the deal for him to never go back to a KH.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
Ha! I know exactly how you feel about cautious rejoicing.
For about 2 years after my wife told me she was done with the Witnesses, it remained in the back of my mind that it was just a phase and that any moment she would snap back to old personality and go running back.
My advice for your consideration, while he has broken the personality conditioning, he still needs to fill the spiritual void with something. It doesn't have to be another religion or even religion at all, but he is going from the Watchtower giving him all the answers about life and death to nothing. If confronted with a death of someone close, or serious sickness, if he hasn't made up his own mind about what happens, the mind will revert to old established patterns ie. Watchtower doctrine.
Personally, I'm Agnostic, my wife is now a non-denominational Thiest.
Either way, it is fantastic news and I am offering my congratulations anyways!