Some of you are aware of where i'm at with this whole thing. I still occasionally go to meetings for family reasons but my attendance has been lack luster at best. I'd say I go about once a month if that.
I empathize with those who are wary of taking the ultimate stand for fear of losing their family. I get it. It's pretty heavy to have to face that and almost evil that the society has created that scenario. How ingeniously devious of them.
When you step away from the daily witness grind and then pop in for a meeting or two you see it with more accurate eyes.
The children at the hall are noticeably miserable. You can see it in their eyes and it's written all over their faces. It's boring. It's the same old crap they've been saying for decades. It amazes me people are so dense to still buy all the crap they are selling. So amazed I really think there is a large percentage who actually DON'T buy it but are compelled to go thru the motions.
I wish the GB had the guts to give people a choice to leave w/ out repucussions and leave it to Jah to exact judgement if He so desires, but no. They won't. They can only rule w control and fear.
The WT study was an endless drone of echoing the paragraph and pathetic personal proclamations of their commitment to following orders no matter what they are.
Mindless robots. Just a bunch of miserable Xanax addicted drones.