During these cold months I need a way to keep my hours up and stay under the radar. I'm still an MS so I can't totally fake it. So I decided to try letter writing to avoid going out into the cold. Thankfully, nobody will see the contents of the letters except me. I can actually send people a good postive message to brighten their day and not attempt to force more literature upon them. Anybody else ever thought about doing this or perhaps something more mischevious?
"Apostate" Letter Writing
by kneehighmiah 11 Replies latest jw friends
Faithful Witness
I'm an outsider, but I think that sounds like a great idea!
In your letter writting you should direct people to this site, jw survey, freeminds, etc etc etc.
JWFacts.com should end your message.
A good and practical idea is to run a few copies of the little flyers and handouts from the Advocates for Awareness of Watchtower Abuses, or “AAWA,” and leave some in hospital waiting rooms, doctor’s offices, libraries, churches, auto dealerships, salons, treatment centers, etc. You can have some run by a local print shop on a high-speed color laser system quite economically. You can also set up a little mailing list of effective contacts, and get names, addresses, and email addresses of interested people to add. (Informal witnessing!) You could also use social media (under an alias user name) to invite people to subscribe to your email distribution list. (Use an email address which doesn’t match up in any way to your real name to be safe.)
You can download the AAWA flyers from the following:
Now THAT would be time well spent. And just think, you could actually save the life of a child by informing people of the ridiculous folly of the Watchtower’s blood policy. I think Jesus would be proud to see people being made aware of love and mercy vs. loyalty to a corporation and their “theocratic warfare.” I certainly wish you the best of luck. Let those digital presses/copiers and emails fly!
Don't waste your time. Live your life. Just leave the batshit crazy people to destroy their own cult.
I'm sure you can Fake it better than that. How about FAKE letter writing,then put it in a Fake envelope, lick and stick a Fake stamp, drop it in a Fake mailbox and you are done. The results will be exactly the same. Then you can Fake the time.
You could just make up your hours like 83% of the publishers already do!
Pete Zahut
I understand where you're comming from with this but really, look what you've let them reduce you to. Don't give them that power. Why let them make you stoop to that level ? Do you really want to be that guy? If you can honestly recommend the JW teachings, then go out in service and turn in the correct amount of time . If you can't, don't go out in service and don't turn in time. You don't owe anyone any explainations as to why you aren't turning in time. If there is a God, surely he'd be more pleased with someone who is honest and above board. Whether there is or isn't a God, you will have more respect for yourself and that is worth a lot.
There's a slight risk that when "apostate" letter writing, if you were to include any personal information, the receiver may know a JW (family, friend, coworker, etc) or show one that comes to the door the letter they received. This could expose you.