JW Records Request - United States

by cappytan 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • cappytan
    Has anyone in the United States ever successfully gotten their publisher records from the society?
  • CloseTheDoor
    I know of a brother who did, but it took a court order. I do not know any other details about it, except that some material was left out and the court agreed to that. That was in the U.S.
  • _Morpheus
    Lol and what a waste of time.... Your pub record card has NOTHING on it except your name, address, date of baptism and what you yourself reported as "field service time". Its utterly irrelevant and pointless once you leave the cult.
  • AlwaysBusy
  • cappytan

    _Morpheus: No, I could care less about my record. I know it sounds cliche, but I'm asking for a friend. (lol) She wants to hire an attorney and everything. She's after her "file." Not just her publisher card.

    I told her she's wasting her time. That I believe those files are protected under the first amendment and she won't be able to get them in the US.

  • CloseTheDoor
    There are other files that they keep, such as disciplinary action, notes, any correspondence you had between you, elders and the WT. A brother I knew was able to obtain some of those notes, but not all of them.
  • _Morpheus
    Correspondence is another matter... Typically there is no "file" on individual publishers if they have not been in front of a judicial committee. All there would be are pub record cards which are do and useless. If they were in front of a committee the there would be a write up regarding the situation and its outcome.
  • cappytan
    If they were in front of a committee the there would be a write up regarding the situation and its outcome.

    Yeah, she went through a rough Judicial meeting along with an appeal.

  • _Morpheus

    Wow... Yea there will be a write up on both. Im sure she lost the appeal (they are almost never granted). It will never be willingly given to her. A lawsuit is likely the only option.

    Why is she interested? Im assuming she knows why she was df'd even if she dosent agree..? What does she expect to find in the notes?

  • C Lynne
    C Lynne

    Hi there, I am the "friend"...didn't know of this website until now.

    I understand why I was dfed....and I am not sure if I know why exactly I want my records. I had a dream last night about it all and I felt so violated that they keep these creepy files on us. I WANT MINE!!!!

    Because of my judicial committee, I lost my job....my ex husband went around and defamed my character...I am still angry over all of this and for some reason, I feel like now I want revenge. I am not scared of them anymore.

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