Some of the messages on the board have prompted me to think about this a bit, seeing as how it appears to be a theme that resurfaces every so often. Actually, one of the reasons I'm posting a separate thread is that the other ones which brings this up is usually about something more specific and has gotten really long, and to be perfectly frank I don't have the time to read through it, but I think the issue is an important one.
We can be free from the WTS physically, but a certain pattern of thinking sticks with us a bit longer as I'm sure many of us are well aware. Naturally, when you're out you're going to go out into the world and explore, doing this and that, the "normal" people stuff you might say. But is that really being free? It seems to me the main difference between the witness existence and the typical conditioned existence of people in the world outside is that having left the society, we are conscious of that behavior, (conditioned existence in general) but people who've never had such an experience aren't. This, I think, is something very valuable that not everybody has, and we should not forget it.
In some ways, I don't think 'normal' people in the world are so much better off, or that they're even truly normal, although this condition may be common, but that's not the same thing. In a nutshell, I have to say that really being free means a kind of mental freedom. Of course, this is where people usually say their experience has been too big, they were in too long, indoctrinated when they were young, and it will always be with them. Well, from the perspective of conditioning this is probably true, but then again that's not what I'm talking about here, because that's not really being free. What I'm saying is that you can be free from conditioned behavior altogether. If you're reading this with any amount of interest then it is possible for you, if you can suspend judgement (which I might point out is likely due to conditioning ) for a moment to see if there is something to what I have to say then that itself shows you can do it! All it requires is that you let go of this belief that you're always going to be like "this", whereas change is probably the one constant in life. In fact, that's really very vague isn't it? We say we can get over it to some extent, but that some of it will always be with us. Well, exactly how much and which pieces? Being free from it doesn't mean you forget what happend, it just means it has no control over you anymore. You know, if it really is so strong that you can not uproot it for the rest of your life, then you don't have to worry about it. But if it is possible for you to be free from it all, doesn't telling yourself that you can't work against that? Don't let it become a self fulfilling prophecy when you can break through it. If it doesn't change, it doesn't change. Why spend any energy thinking it?
Well, as Forrest Gump says "that's all I gotta say about that." It's late and I really didn't have anything worked up, but I only hoped to provide a feel of what I'm talking about. If it did I'd appreciate some comments.