The story about the Smurf is true. I had the priviledge of microphone duty during the Service Meeting when a Smurf got out of control on the third row and started running around the kingdom hall. I grabbed it. All brothers assigned to the microphones have the privilege of wrangling demonized Smurfs. Big mistake. The Smurf bit me and I was forced to pound it with the mike stand until it submitted. With the help of three elders all bellowing "Jehovah" at the top of their lungs, we took the wrangled Smurf outside where an elder tried to set it afire by lighting it with a match. But demonized things don't burn, even if the label on the Smurf says "fire retardant." Holding our New World Translations up in front of us, we backed away from the blue demon until we were safetly back in the kingdom hall. We had a special needs talk the following week on bringing Smurfs to the hall.