Did they change the shunning article on the JW.ORG Website?

by bluesaph 18 Replies latest forum tech-support

  • sir82

    The elder's manual says there is no such thing as "automatic disfellowshipping". For the most part that is true.

    Pretty much, if it is your first offense, and you confessed voluntarily, and you display a lot emotion, and lay it on thick about your "damaged relationship with jehovah", you won't get DF'ed.

    But if a case is especially notorious, lots of publicity, you don't have a chance.

    The case of the Bethel worker who was caught in a sting operation, trolling young boys for sex, comes to mind. As I recall, 3 elders went down to his jail cell and after a quite perfunctory judical committee told him he was DF'ed. There are threads about that case on here - it was 4 or 5 years ago.

  • Finkelstein

    A few year ago my nephew was DFed when he confessed to sexually fondling his girl friend both were baptized.

    Even though they both confessed to the act, they were both DFed.


    They were eventually reinstated a few months later. ???

    I guess things vary from one congregation to another.

  • NVR2L8

    An other lie is that the blood ties and family affection remain...but they fail to mention for family members living under the same roof. As for all other family members love and affection is demonstrated by not even communicating by email...keeping contacts to a bare minimum...

  • Finkelstein

    Good ponit NVR2L8

  • RottenRiley

    Theocratic Warfare, it's a fact most individuals attracted to a Cult are going to scan pass by their omissions, the question was rigged or planted! If JWs were truly honest, the question should have been written, "Do Jehovah's Witnesses practice Shunning of Family Members not in "good standing" with the Watchtower Organization?"

    The lies keep compounding like a High Interest environment, JWism is the worst at behaving like humans, using Shunning to pretend their religion has some Christianity left.. I have lived a life of watching Witnesses shun each other because somebody decided to stand up to the fifth-grade educated elders and make a stand. JW Elders on the Body of Elders hating, shunning each family for decades, this is the real JWism that stand's out in my mind. Elderettes hurting innocent Sisters because the Sister decides she can think on her own and refuses to obey the cult members!

  • Finkelstein

    Part of the attempt to allure people into a cult is to mislead and present false information.

    Or other assertive things such as plastering images of atomic explosions on the front cover

    of magazines with text that reads " Armageddon Soon ? "


    Irregardless its about luring and coercing people directly toward the leaders from there and then they

    can start their established mental indoctrination processes and place their own acquired power and

    control over people.

    People who have critical thinking abilities can see through these outward coercive half truths though.

  • RottenRiley

    They use the "Atomic Mushroom Cloud" to gather a crowd around their honey-carts, if we knew what they really offered in the past do you think we would have gotten stuck?

    It's hurting me to read posts by members on JWN who are so desperate to connect with Jehovah's Witnesses who want nothing to do with them. Where does this leave you? What pride can we have if our soul is torn by individuals who are not concerned about our welfare but more about practicing righteousness before men? Why do we think we have to cram ourselves down people's throats who hate us? JW Family and friends are not the normal, often their worse than the World and it's because the Cult has disintigrated our already fragile concept of the Western Family. The Watchtower offer's nothing to the World, it's actually lighting fires under Eastern Religions making them grow! That's why the JWs want their people to return to India because Hinduism is trumping their hate filled religion!

  • Finkelstein

    Simply put the WTS wants people to exploit in the proliferation and distribution of its published literature,

    that why all the lies and corruption are there in the first place and have been there since its beginning.


    Of course they are going to try and shape you into the best possible sales representative for their organization.

    But first to do that they have to coerce people toward them, when thats accomplished they can

    start exploiting you for money and free labor, under the pretentious guise that your pleasing god .

    Conforming to the dictates of the WTS. (GB) and working hard in personal involvement is noted

    as being spiritual strong and righteous but thats just another indulgent part of the corruption of this

    particular religious publishing house.

  • EndofMysteries

    It's easy to expose the lie and spin doctoring on this one.

    The question is, "FORMER MEMBER of the religion". They then go right into speaking about 'inactive ones'. Ask any JW or elder is an inactive one a former member or is an inactive one, "no longer one of jehovah's witnesses". The answer will be no. The ONLY way to be a 'former member' is by disfellowshipping or dissassociation, and either of those 2 ARE shunned.

    So it's very easy to expose the deception on that one since the question is FORMER MEMBER of the religion.

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