Imagine A World Where Being "Gay" The Norm & Being "Straight" Would Be The Minority!

by Dis-Member 123 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Dis-Member

    Imagine A World Where Being "Gay" The Norm & Being "Straight" Would Be The Minority! [Short Film]


  • RubaDub

    My underwear would be made out of Kevlar.

    Rub a Dub

  • Listener

    The world would be getting smaller and smaller.

  • Simon

    Such a world would never exist - humanity would die out.

    That's simple math, nothing to do with any opinion on people being gay or not.

  • frankiespeakin

    I'm thinking Gay might be in the evolutionary cards as a means of slowing grouth of populations. But a world of Gays in the majority that could happen but I doubt with this expansion of technology that it will ever come to this but some form of natural selection population grouth control will happen if we are to sustain our genetic bloodline so to speak.

  • steve2

    Well if straights were in the minority, I'd laugh and jeer at them all morning, condemn them to judgment and eternal annihilation all afternoon, apologize profusely and madly all night long - and be best pals with them the next day.

    It would make no rational sense - but it would feel mighty therapeutic to progress through expressive acts of ridicule, condemnation and friendship. Kind of like a maturity-enhancing roller coaster ride.

  • smiddy

    We wouldnt be here today on this forum


  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    If the entire human race became gay it would die off within one generation.

    Every baby born has the natural right to the love of a female mother and male father. Anything else is an aberration from what nature intended.

    So sick of hearing about gays and their precious rights and demands.

  • fulltimestudent


    We wouldnt be here today on this forum

    Smiddy, you know the aussie saying - having two bob each way!

    Well, that'd how its often been in the past.

    Just two clear examples:

    Example 1 is ancient Greece. If you have not already read Plato's symposium, then try to borrow it and read it

    Plato describes a high-society dinner party in Athens circa early 5th C BCE. Attending is the cream of Athen's elite - along with their boyfriends - all getting elegantly drunk on wine served by (likely) naked waiters and discoursing eloquently in praise of love.

    Thing is, of course, their wives were all at home looking after the kids.

    Example 2. The 200+ years of the Tokugawa era in Japan, from early 1600s. Same thing, whether you were a Daimyo (Lord of the Manor) a Samurai or a merchant growing rich in the years of peace. - romance was often affair with a handsome young actor or just an unvarnished male sex worker. Professor Gary Leupp (Tufts University) affirms that male to male sex was 'normative' in that era. But again, the wives were all at home, looking after the kids.

    Its not what we observe in our world - but the evidence is quite plain for both societies.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Professor Gary Leupp (Tufts University) affirms that male to male sex was 'normative' in that era. But again, the wives were all at home, looking after the kids.

    Oh yeah? "Normative" for who? Produce the scholars quotes.


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