TATTOOS and da troof - DOES the babble teach what WT claims?

by hamsterbait 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • redvip2000

    There simply isn't impositions on Christians regarding tattoos.

    All of this other garbage about regret, trend, health risks, etc shouldn't even come into play. All of those things should be considered regardless in pretty much anything you do.

    Nobody in their right mind would get a Mike Tyson style tattoo. Common sense is needed in everything you do.

  • label licker
    label licker

    It depends on who they like. In our last hall there was a sister who had shown me two tatoos on her butt and backside. One of them was a quote of a poem from a sympathy card that she recieved when her sister who had passed away. She was showing everyone. The po found out about it and the following week they made her husband an ms and the both of them were put in the drama the following assembly.

    Yet, another couple who are inactive got tatoos and the jw family was down their backs. He said it best that if we still kept the law then he could see it being wrong. How you take the bible is the key. If you want to keep the law then Yehovah detests tatoos but if you don't keep the law then do as you please. The society just loves to pick and choose what suites them. There should be no grounds for punishing anyone that gets tatoos if society is going to leave it up to the individuals conscience.

  • SAHS

    You could always get a tatoo of the Watchtower logo, but then they would probably try to sue you for copyright infringement.

  • Phizzy

    I think I might have Tattied on my bum, no second thoughts, I will have a W on each buttock so that when I bend over everybody goes WOW !

    We are not under the Mosaic law, if they wish to invoke this, they have to stick to the whole of the Law, then sisters will have to make sure their knickers/thong are not a different thread to their bra.


    Like all fads, tattoos may lose their appeal over time...

    Tattooing, piercing, and cutting existed in Bible times.

    ..............A fad thats lasted for thousands of years?!..

    I feel brain cells die everytime I read WBT$ WatchTarded Articles..

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  • Rattigan350

    Why does anyone need to quote the Bible on this subject?

    Tattoos are just plain stupid. People get them because they want to be free, rebels, not following the establishment. But they get them because they are following others.

    Something dangerous and permanent and non-productive. bah on it.

  • happy@last

    Rattigan350, what an open minded view you have! Surely it is someone's personal choice. Dangerous? No. Permanent? Yes. Non-productive? No. Many people get these to mark something of great meaning to them and are proud to have them.

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