Atheism and Theism are only partly right!

by abiather 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BackseatDevil

    @punkofnice ditto.

    Atheism isn't striving after anything. It's shutting the fuck up and allowing the answer to surface naturally, organically, on it's own. When nothing appears, that's fine... we do have LIFE and LIVING to do, and so we do it.

    Other people with religion, faith, donning festivities of “spirituality” bounce and move so much it is impossible for them to grasp anything solid, anything still, anything of root. They have to remain in constant movement for fear that if the stand still, they may realize exactly just how pointless going in circles chasing a tail really is. Striving, hope, redemption, worship, etc. are all clutters aimed to give density where none is found so that little pieces of a puzzle from all over the internet, life can gathered and placed in a picture that one has yet to see... futile motion to give relevance to the irrelevant

    And yet... we, person's who are free of that... we are the ones “wasting” our lives.

    Atheism doesn't reject anything. I'm sure all of us would welcome a sign from above, heavenly divine miracle, or even a phone call from Jesus. But until that happens... we've got shit to do.

  • Gopher

    Hence atheism is right in rejecting a creator, but failed in providing any motivation for people to do good.

    You lost me here, too. If you need motivation from an external source, such as a religion, to do good - then you aren't good in the first place - right?

    Hucksters using fear create false needs you didn't know you had, and then sell you a product to fill that so-called need. Religion creates fear of a bad afterlife or that you're out of favor with their preferred deity, and then sell you 'salvation' to be redeemed from 'sin'. No thanks to any of that.

    And as for whether I as an atheist have any motivation to be moral, definitely yes - it comes from within. To put it mildly, I don't want to go crap in my own back yard. I feel accountable to many people to be my best - including workmates and managers, my family and friends, my neighbors. If I want the world to be a really good place then I have to contribute my part by being really good, honest and hard-working. See - no need for religion there! It's pure humanism. Even religious people can do much good out of pure humanism.

  • sunny23

    "The electron has to move into the same orbit again and again, eternally."


    "There is no need to discover the “cause,” when the consequence is the child of that cause."

    No need? At all ever?! Our modern civilization and technology wouldnt be where it is today if it weren't for people looking into the "cause" of things. It's in our nature to do so as well. And IMO there is a need for it in most cases. To live without it would be to live oblivious and careless. Searching into the deeper things of life including the origins of life is essential for everyone to do. Maybe unneccessary to obsess about it until death but I say that it's not something everyone should just shrug off entirely. Looking into the "cause" of things no matter what your findings at least give you a foundation on which to believe or disbelieve inorder to bring more equinimity into your life.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    There are zero unborn babies. You people bash individual rights enough and we will no longer have birthday celebrations. Happy Conception Day.

    Your argument makes no sense.

  • Viviane

    Given that the first 9 words of the OP are wrong, I didn't bother to read further.

  • Finkelstein

    It means both atheism and theism did not accomplish much!

    Atheism wasn't intended to accomplish anything but disregard the belief and acknowledgment

    of spirits and gods, to find other answers from evidential evaluation and discovery.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    I can picture a abiather now... Sitting back in his computer chair with a smug look on his face, half finished cup of coffee at his side. He chuckles to himself, admiring the full page post of absolute gibberish he has made.

    Obviously he posted that garbage to get our reactions... Nobody could actually take him seriously! Literally every point is flatly false. He's loving this

  • abiather

    When someone says: e = mc2, listener has the freedom to think that he is only talking about English alphabets. Similarly, when I tried to highlight THE REVOLUTION of electron, one has the freedom to think that I am talking about Science. But I was only talking about philosophical aspect of “micro and macro” objects which are spinning themselves. And I was making a comparison to what is happening on earth as history which repeats like a spinning wheel. For example, all religions were good when they started, yet later became a synonym for greed and human rights violation. All of them repeat the same mistake. (Mathew 23:37)

    Now let me conclude:


    I have experienced from the adherents of both—atheism and theism—that both are an excuse to do whatever one wants to do.

    Atheists do not want to be responsible for their actions, hence reject a Creator.

    Theists too do not want to be responsible for their actions, hence they created a God who forgives!

    My experience is not an exception. It is a sample of history. History testifies to the human rights abuse of both religionists and atheists (eg. Communists Rule in various countries) if they are given political power.

    Hence in effect, both atheism and theism are one and the same!

  • Captain Obvious
  • LisaRose

    Why do you need belief in a creator to do good? It sounds like you have a problem if you think that is all that motivates one to do good. If you didn't believe in a creator, would you be a serial killer?

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