Aftermath re: Pieces of me

by Mimilly 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • MarchOn

    If it helps at all, I believe we all feel very strong some days and other days it is as though something kicked the wind out of you. Sometimes I'm like, "BRING IT ON !!", and then the very next day is, "OH GEEZ, LEAVE ME ALONE I CAN'T TAKE IT NOW !!!". We can't be strong all of the time, none of us. It is the roller coaster called life. You'll be feeling good again and I hope it is soon.

    My thoughts are with you,

  • Cowboy



    It took me quite a while to realize that the real deal is to be able to be enough of a person on your own to know when somebody loves you and cares about you.
    ~Stevie Ray Vaughn

  • blue aquarian
    blue aquarian

    Dear Mimilly:

    It takes a long time before the WBTS stops living rent free in your head. But, you are strong! Do you know how many people would love to be in your shoes? Strong enough to walk away instead of living desperate lives afraid to lose what little they have? Strong enough to put into words what you feel? Strong enough to share that sometimes you just don't know where you are going to find the will to keep going so that you can break the cycle for your children?

    Just the fact that you don't want to pass this legacy on to your children means that you have goals, compassion and strength. They haven't beat it out of you yet. Getting mad and pissed is part of the journey and part of moving on. What you are feeling is perfectly normal. The best way to piss of the WBTS is to become a successful person, parent and celebrate every victory in your life no matter how small. Pretty soon, they stop living in your head and your new life takes over.

    I'm wishing you all of the best. Every strong person has weak moments, but true strength is getting up over and over again when you feel knocked down. You are doing just fine! Keep it up.

  • Mimilly

    Blue... thank you ever so much for your words. Wow. When one can't see the forrest for the trees, it sure helps to have all of you around to show me where the sunbeams are.
    I get mad at having to be strong all the time. There are times I want 'out'. (just like MarchOn said) I know that 'this too shall pass' (one of my fave sayings), but I've learned enough that when I fall into the dark places, I have to reach out, and I'm thankful to have all of you here. This site is quite the gift. :)

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Hang in there - one breath at a time - one minute at a time.

    As you say this too will pass

    Memories do pass. I rarely get them - need something to act as a trigger and I know what those are now so can minimize the damage.

    This does not need to take over your whole life. Read - there are tons of things on the net Get more therapy from a trauma specialist if you need it. Be grateful for the small things - the tiny steps because it is all those tiny steps that add up to our healing


    Aspire to inspire before you expire

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