Tell us a little about yourself and your family.
I got married to another cult member and we have 3 children who are all grown up now. The 2 boys are not interested in the JW cult (thank goodness). When I left the disgusting cult my wife left me.
Were you a born in or a convert?
I was born into the filthy cult.
Are your parents / family JWs?
My parents were both pioneers. My Mum still is. Dad died of cancer 7 years ago. He was the P.O. of the congregation.
How many generations have been JWs?
Overlapping™! It began with my parents and I hope it ends with my kids. Bollox to the governing body.
Did you hold any position in the WTS? (MS, Elder etc...)
Aux pioneer, Min serve then Elder in the end.
Did you *really* believe in the bible, in spirits (angels, demons)?
Yes at the time…I was born in and indoctrinated with this lunacy from when I was a baby. I did however, suspect they did bugger all in reality though. I had a secret loathing of god believe it or not.
Did you get baptised? When and why?
Yes. In 1973 to avoid Armageddon™ in 1975. I wanted to be eligible for a GF. I wanted to please my parents.
What was the initial trigger that made you start questioning things?
When I was an elder things seemed too business like and nothing to do with the Bible.
My first real question was why 7 days appeal was given after god (allegedly), had transmitted his inerrant decision via holy spirit to the elders on a JC. When I was an elder I never felt any such inspiration transmitted to me by holy spirit…all decisions just seemed to be the will of the biggest bully on the body of elders. I assure you there are some egotistical nasty b*stards on those BOEs..
Where did you find information? Internet sites? Books?
Originally I saw some ‘apostate™’ handouts. The internet was my main source once I got a PC.
How difficult or painful was the process of leaving?
I was living on my nerves for some months as I realised the WBT$ was just a money grubbing cult…not a real religion. I had family in the filthy disgusting cult including a wife and 3 kids. It took a couple of months to get around to telling the family that I quit the WBT$. It wasn’t easy as my then wife was very zealous.
Was it a big dramatic exit or a careful quiet fade?
I just stopped going to meetings™ cold turkey.
Did you convince anyone else to leave with you?
Not really. People make their own decisions in life. My sons didn’t believe in the cult propaganda anyway. I’ve been told I have helped people with their decision but at the end of the day (or even in the middle or start of it), each individual makes their own choice.
How were your family relations affected by your decision?
My wife left me and the boys to fend for ourselves. It was and still is very hard financially.
Were you or are you still being shunned by those who didn't leave?
Yes, most do shun me. I don’t care. F**k ‘em!
I some cases it’s a relief those idiots don’t talk to me. I was avoided in town by a real JW twat not so long ago and I thought it was a grand get off the hook moment. That dolt usually just talks at you about bollox.
How long have you now been out?
3 years not long enough.
Was there anything you looked forward to doing when you left?
I wanted to be a Christian preacher, I loved going to church……I ended up being an atheist when I realised god either wasn’t there or didn’t care.
What are you most proud of achieving since you left?
Leaving the filthy perverted cult. Period!
Is there anything you miss about life in the congregation?
The delusion of eternal life. The delusion that my invisible sky friend would always help me……..despite doing nothing for me all my life…how ironic!
Red pill or blue pill? Do you regret waking up to reality at all?
I prefer reality. It’s hard but at least I know where I stand in life.
Did you become an atheist or transfer your faith elsewhere?
I became a Christian and went to a Baptist church. Owing to house moves I then went to an Anglican church then Pentecostal. I looked at Rosicrucianism then ended up atheist.
How do you now feel about religion in general?
They do some good charity work but on the whole they promote a ridiculous delusion. They create wars. They produce deluded zealots in some cases.
Do you feel any guilt celebrating xmas or birthdays or doing any other JW "no-no"s?
I don’t really do X-mas and birthdays still but I do buy prezzies and give cards. No guilt at all.
Have you attended any face-to-face meetups of ex-JWs?
The odd one. I met my GF at one and we were just friends for a long time.
Describe your circle of friends - mostly other ex-JWs or regular people?
Musicians mainly.
Do you tell people about your JW past?
Only if they ask or there is a danger they might get sucked into the cult.
Do you feel animosity or pity toward current JWs?
I feel nothing for the R&F. I loathe the governing body for the lies they tell and all the paedophile cover ups they do in order to live like rock stars.
How do you respond to witnesses when they call at your door?
I tell them I’m an atheist and see where it leads from there.
Storm the barricades or tend to the wounded? (do you favor activism or support)
Neither…I go with how I feel at the time.
What do you think is the most effective approach to reaching people still in?
Living a good life as an ‘apostate™’. I don’t approach them.
Do you think the WTS can or should be destroyed, will continue on as-is or grow / change?
The WBT$ will carry on for a long time yet. They may be losing money and followers but they’re a big greedy business. They’ll find a way to survive.
How has your life been impacted by your JW past?
I wasted my life and I feel like sh1t because of it.
Are there things in your life you blame the WTS for?
Failed marriages. Wasting my time on imaginary sky twat delusions.
JW upbringing - a protection or a curse?
Absolutely a curse.
How do you fill your time now it's not filled with meetings and field service?
I play in a band or two, T.V. and I have a wonderful exJW gf.
Do you still have an interest in JW beliefs and doctrines?
Only from the viewpoint of what crazy crap are my mother and daughter having to believe now.
How much of your time is still spent on JW related matters?
1% of nothing. I don’t know. Can’t say I try to quantify it.
What do you think of the ex-JW community?
I haven’t noticed it as a community…just individuals doing their thang.
Do you see yourself still being associated with the ex-JW community in 5 or 10 years time?
How can I not be associated with exJws? I have some good friends who are exjohos including my GF.
Do you fear the future?
No. I reserve the right to end my own life if I become painfully terminally ill. I just know the future will be unknown. Life isn’t a bowl of cherrys. It’s a struggle all the way to death.
What advice would you give to anyone starting the journey of leaving the WTS?
Run like the wind away from that filth.
What would you change in your life if you could go back and talk to yourself?
I’d never have been a JW EVER!
Do you have any regrets about life since you left?
Only that I traded the JW delusion for the Christian delusion. I regret wasting my life before I left the vile cult of Jws.
Can we read your life-story anywhere? (links to online or books
Try the youtube channel ‘Cyril Quatermass’ although I don’t use it any more. Yeah, probably snippets of my life scattered around JWN and the YUKU forum too. Apart from that, who the hell’s interested?