guys who are telling me reason with them:
I think maybe you have never talked to a JW.
by perfect1 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
guys who are telling me reason with them:
I think maybe you have never talked to a JW.
How bout you set up a stand with the pamphlet found on JWFACTS, cards with links to Morris' rant or a bunch of print outs of the awakes about 1975.
Destroy their literature & they'll crow about persecution while happily replacing it. The WTS prints billions of pieces of literature - destroying a few dozen pieces is less than insignificant.
Your efforts would be far better directed at engaging in uncomfortabel (to them) conversations with the JWs manning the stand, or even better, with passersby who are dumb / ignorant enough to actually pick something off the table.
Think "Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch": "Say, do you actually know what you are reading?"
For example: "Did you know that JWs obligate parents to shun their own children, if the children decide to leave their church?" in a loud enough voice that people 50 feet away can hear, ought to do the trick quite nicely.
I am ready for a little guerilla warfare (no one gets hurt, of course). But these literature carts in the city need to go.
Everytime I walk by its all I can do to keep from knocking the thing over.....Perfect1
........................................................................Meet Your New Room Mate..
............................................... ...OUTLAW
Go to McDonald's and order a tall drink, drink the contents than go to the bathroom and relieve
yourself in the cup, add a little water just to increase the volume.
Causally walk over to a stand and pour it over the literature, walk away nonchalantly.
If you can, go to a obscure area and video tape the response from the JWdubbers with a smart phone.
Post the video on You-Tube with a false name and identity and wallah. instant hero.
Its a fine line that you have to walk to avoid feeding their persecution complex. You could simply hang around the general area until they engage someone. Then walk up and inform the potential convert that they are trying to recruit people into a cult. That would piss them off for sure. (but you may have to wait several hours before they even get someone to take a look at their cart!)
Or you could take a book from them, and pretend that you are going to read it that night. The next day return the book and ask increduoulously "Do you really believe this stuff?" while shaking your head in disbelief.
Hi perfect1, DITTO what other posters have written about not damaging the carts/propaganda, about talking to the JWs and asking them simple questions to plant seeds of doubt, and attaching permanent QR code stickers to the propaganda or writing,, or one of your favorite websites on the propaganda.
It is very simple to attach QR code stickers to propaganda. Walk up to the JWs. Engage them in conversation. When they offer to give you their propaganda, ask if you can give them something in return. It is easy to overcome their objections to accept religious information by saying it is not religious and it may save their lives. When they say yes, accept their propaganda. Write,, or one of your favorite websites on the propaganda or attach a permanent QR code sticker to the proganda. Hand the propaganda back to the JW and say how the website saved your life after visiting it.
Another option is to talk with business owners where the carts are located about how they feel about the WTBTS carts. If they do not like the carts in front of their business, educate the owners that the WTBTS is a dangerous cult and show them a poster with a QR code to,, or one of your favorite websites that you would like them to display near the carts in a prominate location. Thank the business owner for his help and suggest that he tells other business owners in the area about the WTBTS and how to encourage JWs to move the WTBTS carts.
Peace be with you and eveyrone, who you love,
Finkelstein, gross.
You (or whoever) may end up doing that to the cart one of my elderly relatives or nieces was watching over. If I saw a video of that I'd be disgusted at the one who'd done it!
Tripp over it and start a law suit....
don't even hotdog vendors need a permitt..
It's funny to think about, but just ignoring them is better.