I would never say they are an insane family. You can't blame anyone in the family for the actions of Castro. He alone was the one who did those horriable things to Amanda, Gina, and Michelle. His sister and his nephew never showed any signs of anything like that.
I actually feel really bad for John because like I said before he was always the first to ask how someone was doing. He was a very sweet man and I to this day respect him for the way he always treated people in our hall. I could tell he was one of those who wasn't an elder for the power or position, he was an elder because he really cared for the people in his hall.
I would say that the only problem I ever saw in this family was that the son was pretty much allowed to run the show. He was spoiled and indulged and never disiplined for anything. I do remember that whenever he would get caught doing something it was never his fault. He was his mothers perfect angel. I am sure that his parent lost that illusion years ago when he left the JW's and started doing drugs.
It was pretty sad when I heared that the kid was on drugs because he was the next Bethalite if you asked his mom. There were times that I felt sorry for the kid because his mom seemed to push him at times to make going to Bethal his goal. She was a long time pioneer and his dad was a long time popular elder so really his life was pretty much set up for him the second he was born.