Well what a great spiritual feast weve had!
Im not going to go into the "Bible Study" because it was more about how merciful and loving etc that God is.
So fast forward to the School:
The Bibke reading was intriguing Gen 17-20. The only thing i found interesting was this:
Gen 18:1-18
About the three men that came to Abraham under the tree. Now this is ONLY my speculation but i was confused by 3 men being mentioned as Jehovah....and i couldnt help but toying with the idea that these 3 men, perhaps represented the Father, Son, and Holy spirit....the bible doesnt say they were angels, but men. When they spoke, it calls them Jehovah. Please correct me if im wrong tho. Anyways moving on.
my wife did the number 2 talk about how Christ Did not go to heaven in a physical body.
One scripture she used was Acts 10: 40, 41: 40 God raised this one up on the third day and allowed him to become manifest, 41 not to all the people, but to witnesses appointed beforehand by God, to us, who ate and drank with him after his rising from the dead.
Interesting scripture surely.
Now. This is all fine and good but i thought "Wait a minute, does the Bible say theres one mediator between God and men, a MAN, Jesus Christ"....and so i thought "Hie is the mediator a man if hes a spirit?" weird.
Next was the 3 talk: Abba in the bible and how men have misused it.
the brother used the insight book and taked about the three scriptures that use abba and all that. Then he basically said ALL christendom misuses ABBA: like abbot, abby, etc which are derived from it and how Jesus said we shoukdnt call anyone "Father" in a spiritual sense and that this goes against what christ says. So the implication is onky Jehovahs people know how to use ABBA properly (its only for the spirit begottn 144,000 anointed to use--were just his friends).
And then i got bombed by the service meeting which spoke of setting spiritual goals. A brother pioneer was interviewed and talked about how much happier pioneers were blah blah...my wife nodded in agreement throughout and asked me why i looked so pale lol....and thats about it. YAY what a banquet of spiritual food for me to feast on....
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