Corruption of Hubby Continues...
............................................................................................................... ...OUTLAW
by jgnat 24 Replies latest jw experiences
Corruption of Hubby Continues...
............................................................................................................... ...OUTLAW
LOL Outlaw!
FTB, he's already completely secular when it comes to his music choices. He's a huge sixties fan. I find Witnesses far more secular in their choice of music than evangelicals. He turns away at disgust when my daughter plays religious pop, for instance.
On the odd occassion he has pulled out the WT CD, I've told him to shut off that elevator music. Not a hard sell.
"He doesn't think, he feels" That may be why he stayed in so long, some sort of emotional attachment. It may well be why he will find being out so much better.
I am different, always been a stinker, sorry, I mean thinker, and so I left for doctrinal reasons.
But it is absolutely AMAZING how much better I have felt since leaving.
As I now know that all religion is what we Brits call Bo**ocks, it is that feeling of well-being and serenity that will always keep me out, not doctrinal things, which simply do not matter.
You both will enjoy this new phase of your life so very much, and I am happy for you both.
Great news! Keep us posted.
One less brain and body to crush, Good News Jgnat!
I find Witnesses far more secular in their choice of music than evangelicals.
Very true, Witnesses do not like religious music. Because, you see, it's the wrong religion. It is kind of funny, though, like how a JW reacts when a Christian starts speaking praisefully about Jesus as their Savior: "Ugh, get away from me!"
They don't like Jesus compared to Christians. The sad thing is you don't notice when you are one. I was raised with the notion that Christians were demonic . Very bad music - Christian pop.
My jw cannot/willnot listen to Christian pop/rock either. I find it quite amusing when he is going through the stations in the car and leaves one on and seems to enjoy it until he figures out it is indeed a Christian rock song! aaagh! quick change the channel! good grief, he can't change it fast enough then. Don't worry, I smirk the other way so he doesn't see.
Why did he become inactive?
rebe8, he can't articulate it. He couldn't bear going any more. His attendance has been spotty for quite a while. While we were in the mountains, there was barely an opportunity so he could pretend he missed it. Back in town, he attended a few meetings but then he slowed down quite a bit. He'd sleep in or find excuses on meeting days. We went out and did fun things.