Hubby visited with SIL (with gotee intact), got the WT don't approve speech and the 'we've been missing you at the meetings".
He gave all the excuses he could for why we weren't there. I'm at the point of just telling them the truth as why... but we will be giving up our grandchildren. I just don't know if I can do it, give up the grandkids. but it's something that i believe will happen anyway. I just dont think i can mentally sit through another meeting.
I'm sick of the "the society tells us this and the society tells us that...." do they not hear themselves!?! Even hubby said there's no scriptures, but only articles about rebelious ones of the 60s.
I think I need a beer or a Zanax! Of course I have to wait tilll DH gets home to get ALL the details... but I'm so over this. DH is too. I believe he is really seeing the light. and how controlig this cult is...
I'm finished venting now. Thanks ~
I think I'll tell the next person who asks about his gotee, that it's my shower scrubby for my tits!!!