This deluded JW on YouTube sent me this link with a message . "turn back to Jehovah"
Rap song about -----------------------Apostates
by Watchtower-Free 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Well they're talented.
Boy will that guy feel stupid if and/or when he finds out TTATT.
The guy is so deluded.....he didn't even get a full listen from me.
Some peope should not be allowed to meddle with music.
I actually like hip hop, but this is just terrible.
I could only bear to listen to about half, due to the delusions. I think they've got a nice little tune other than that, and they have nice voices. Seriously, you guys don't?!
If only they'd channel that energy into becoming their authentic selves, instead of brainwashing and marginalizing others. Pointing energy inward is more productive, but it does take courage.
I've shat better rhymes.
Wow. Pretty good. The ideas are terrible of course, but they did a pretty good job on the song. I'm impressed.
So, it's a good JW song that came from individual JWs' creativity. And you know the Org can't have that.
So even thought this song is 100% JW in every way and says nothing any JW could object to, the creators of this song will get in trouble for it or at the very least in trouble for posting it on youtube.
(But Prince is ok.)
ETA: They probably would get into less trouble if they had just put up a song about nothing. But they had to bring Jehovah into it. I think they'll be counseled for sure.