Xanthippe - I identify fully with your sentiments - and those of Julia. Social psychology research demonstrates that group pressure accounts for why people end up believing and acting on beliefs that they cannot understand as individuals. As an adolescent, I could not grasp the justification for the GB applying so many Biblical prophecies to themselves - even the book of Ruth was supposed to have a prototypical (I think that's the word the Watchtower writers used) fulfillment with the Watchtower Society throughout the 20th Century. I struggled big time with the rationale but was told to examine my heart closely: Was I just looking for a way out?
Is it Humanly Possible, that the writers believe this stuff?
by objectivetruth 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"...many were disappointed and a few became embittered"
WT fails to mention their legitimate reason for being "embittered": it was a natural result of believing the very lies the WT taught !!!! In other words, WT demand JWs accept their word as god's word, then JWs pin their hopes and life's decisions on those words. Then, when they fail, WT blames the rank-and-file for being so gullible they actually believed what WT said !!! Oh, but there's no reason to be 'bitter' !!! In reality, those "embittered" people were smart enough to see WT as a false prophet and they left, it is as simple as that.
problemaddict: someone correct me if I am wrong, but this is now "old light".
you are correct. The "faithful slave" is literal; the "evil slave" is just a concept, not a real group.
amazing how WT will teach a parable as a prophecy, then cherry-pick elements within the parable and say some parts are literal, some parts are figurative. They just make it up as they go along.....
"Was Jesus foretelling that there would be an evil slave class in the last days? No. Granted, some individuals have manifested a spirit similar to that of the evil slave described by Jesus. We would call them apostates, whether they were of the anointed or of the "great crowd." (Rev. 7:9) But such ones do not make up an evil slave class. Jesus did not say that he would appoint an evil slave. His words here are actually a warning directed to the faithful and discreet slave." (w13 7/15 p.24 box)
I expect that most JWs let them wash completely over them, unaware of the "new" view that the evil slave is not a group, and continue to view any "opposers" who were Witnesses to be an evil slave class.
"opposers" = people who actually care if their beliefs are true or not....and have the courage to admit they've been wrong and make some changes.
"Jehovah's Witnesses" = believes whatever the WT tells them too- doesn't matter if it's true or not.
just a bunch of bullys preaching ambient abuse.
Xan...by the way sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself on here.
What .....you too!
new hope and happiness
I am going to die fact...but i live my life thinking i am never going to die..in fact taking it further i have seen two frinds for the last time at hospital, i new it was the last rime i would se them...CANCER....they never accepted they were going to die. So to answer the question YES i think they write, even if they dont believe it. Not sure that makes sence?
The more convoluted the teaching, the less I felt it was important. Jesus seemed to follow the K.I.S.S.principle so I decided all the infinite data of the WT literature seemed optional.
But it just got more layers added.I guess it took me a while to figure out I was in the wrong place.
ps. Xanth and Julia--about "talking to myself on here": I HEAR you. Some times it is like putting a note in a bottle and throwing it out to sea.
But sometimes I feel like I've put old SH!+ in a bottle and thrown it out to sea. Such is the nature of this forum that we end up uncorking each others' bottles--who knows why there is no answer or response. But sending them out has helped me anyway.
Love you, Maeve
didn't the evil slave at one time stand for christendom's leaders? and they were the ones fomenting "persecution" against the faithful slave - who landed in jail for a few months in WWI and then came out in fulfillment of the dead bones of revelation coming to life, standing, walking & talking???
and now those faithful ones imprisoned during the war have been relegated to an inferior position - because of the magic eight ball. or something like that. i don't read their stuff - i just like to read the updates here.....:)
Just a bunch of narcisstists doing their very best to obtain narcisstic supply.