A few years ago I had a talk with a COBE of the local Kingdom Hall, he said the Elders could tell if a child-sex offender like Fredick Cecil Maclean FBI list(Hidding In Oak Ridge, Oregon) would strike again. I wish I had this on tape for Candance Contii's legal team because he reflects many of the cowards I served on with the Body of Elders. There was a Pedophile Elder who bullied the other Elders in to covering over his sins because the Elders were either too old or his buddies he showered with gifts. The COBE told me that "Most Sexually Abused children don't come forward in their later-years because that was not his experience." and when I showed him what the consensus was from accounts from Online, he accused me of being a Apostate!
If the above is not clear enough, he really belived (served as a elder since 1986) he could tell by his Elder's Manual who would strike again because Pedophile JWs don't lie!
What can a JW Elder see a trained Psychiatrist or Prosecuting Attorney can't see? Whose spirit is guiding them, or was guiding them to forgive Pedophiles?