Quick builds- Were you on a team?

by Oneoutallout 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • besty

    I was on the scaffolding team in Scotland in the late 1980's early 1990's. I remember Elgin, Forres, Peterhead, Paisley (no windows) Perth and prolly a few others.

    The early ones (Elgin and Forres) had upwards of 1000 people on site - then it was tightened up to 'just' 300 or so.

    Peterhead was a bit of disaster as they had planned to crane into position these huge custom a-frames which were too heavy to be lifted - i think the build lasted 2 or 3 weekends in the end..

    it was shortly after that they insisted on standard designs.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    He had to go to hospital for treatment for the burn to his hand and wrist although he was told to tell the hospital that it had been a burn at home so that "no reproach was made on Jehovah's name"




    WT's god is so weak......his godship so fragile. JWs have to constantly run interference for him....I guess lying is okay, too.


    I was on one of the first-ever QB's. There were something like 1,200 volunteers on-site. That was the time they were true QB's- the KH was finished in one weekend. That changed after a while and QB's became an exclusive club, pared way down.

    I always laughed at the shoddy workmanship, ex: painting being done before the drywall mud is dry. Too funny.

  • Dis-Member

    I did get kicked off the Haysbridge project for being a little drunk on a friday night and getting into a fight.

    Proper builder then! lol.

    I was at Haysbridge in 1985 too..

  • chicken little
    chicken little

    Husband at Haysbridge in 1985 he was full time pioneer at time, I went weekends, I was pregnant with our 2nd child, I got the job of kicking out the reinforced glass from the old iron window frames! Then I was in charge of the kids that came with their parents on a weekend. We sisters worked really hard and were often bossed around by useless brothers that couldn't be bothered to do any real work.

  • bigmac

    why cant i paste ?

    hey--cantleave--tell us about that drunken fight !

  • James Jackson
    James Jackson

    14 years. Did roofing and Brick Laying.

    Enjoyed working with a bunch of great people. It was better to work with them, than serving with them in the local congregation.

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