...then you need to educate yourself more. here is a good place to start...
If you think child abusers can simply repent and/or be rehabilitated....
by iamwhoiam 16 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Band on the Run
Child abusers can repent. I believe there must be a range of mindsets. Science has proven that so far no rehabilitation works. The recidivism rate is sky high. I should memorize statistics but I can't remember everything. There is a list of major crimes and repeat arrest rates. American is known for its revolving door justice system. Pedophiles are about thirty more times likely to reoffend than the next crime category. It is staggering.
Therapists believed they could rehabilitate in the 1950s and 1960. Public policy reflected this fact. I don't know when the newer data became available.
The common law believed that children were incapable of telling the truth. Rules have changed. Freud believed it, too. He discounted the tales of sexual rape and abuse as projections. Science proved this assumption was wrong.
Does anyone know why the drive is so strong?
I don't understand why pedophiles don't come forward and take preventive action. Would you rather rape a child? I don't understand it but you don't need to understand something to stop it.
I agree whole heartedly with your observation BOR.
I think that most people that abuse truly believe they do not have a problem, therefore thier actions are considered justified in thier own minds. I don't understand how a person can be so attracted to a child that they make a choice to rob them of thier innoscence and possible future mental stability. Abusers have the same access to information, reports, psychological studies, etc. that all of us do...therefore they know the long term harm it can cause a child. Even before the free flow of information, abusers knew it was wrong otherwise they would be open about it. That being said, what makes them choose to comit a crime against children despite the information? I just don't think that it is something we can really answer...and people are not ok with that. Hence, continuing down the road of trying to rehabilitate offenders is just a waste of time and money. However, knowing that abusers are locked up someplace gives me some peace of mind. But also knowing that 98% of abusers go unreported gives me less peace. As a victim of this type of abuse myself...it sickens me more than normal. But I will admit, people are becoming more aware of this type of thing and that is a step in the right direction. Just talking about it openly is a good thing. In the early 80s, it was still somewhat of a hush hush thing. Talking about it or even admitting you were a victim was considered embarrassing.
I think they are finding that sexual attraction to children is hard wired into the brain. I don't know what goes on in these people that allows them to do what they do, I guess the sexual drive is overwhelming enough that they find a way to justify it in their own mind. Some have successfully been rehabilitated, but not that many, certainly not enough to ever trust some one around a child, you just don't risk it. Maybe some day they will find a cure for it, I hope so.
Julia Orwell
There is a cure: 9 grammes of lead to the brain.
There is a local pedophile who keep's asking the Elders and has written many letters to the Watchtower asking for a "Support Group" for pedophiles. He felt it's wrong the Watchtower has not provided a support network for pedophiles who lost their Elder and Ministerial privildges, he wants all the local pedophiles to get comfort from the Watchtower because they need feedback and assurances from the Slave that, the pedophiles are not bad people. WTF?
He never once gave thought to his victims and the zero support the Watchtower gave to all the Silent Lambs. The fact is the Watchtower has a unOffical policy of staying away from the victims. They will grill the victims, make them Re-live the horrors and details most Shrinks won't ask until a trust is established, and once they get all the dirt and details they leave the victims a wreck with no emotional support. Still he thinks the Pedophiles need their network to keep them happy and not feel like shit!
about ten years ago, the AWAKE magazine writers, in the "Answer to readers responses",
wrote words to the effect:
" --our hearts go out to any(one) that struggels with a sexual deviancy--"
new hope and happiness
Yes to be rehabillitated a person needs to accept there guilt. This is a problem they have with rehabillitation of child abusers in English prisons. Then how do you really know if a abuser is sincere in his rehabillitation, or faking it as by entering rehabillitation programes allows you greater privaliges in prison and un earlier release.
>> There is a cure: 9 grammes of lead to the brain.
What the heck is a gramme?