I cannot say whether or not the story has any credibility, but I would like to highly recommend a Danish movie called THE HUNT. It is up for an Oscar this year for best foreign film. It is about a teacher that is falsely accused of sexual assault. An extremely powerful movie.
Dylan Farrow on her abuse
by sammielee24 30 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
new hope and happiness
Play it again SAM....in this film Woody Allen plays is a divorced movie critic, who sees himself as " Bogart" because he cant accept himself for who he is ...life can never be as Hollywood paints it, as Allens charactor says " is not being you but me . Im short enough and ugly enough to succeed on my own"...and Allen did get the girl in the movie by being himself. And he wrote that movie...
Now to me i think its wrong to ....i mean this is a reprehensible and discusting accusation, but this is wrong to say guilty..there has been no trial, no arrest and its not a question of " innocent" or " guilty" its none of our business. We dont have the right to judge.
Metatron said: "My reaction? Enough!
Your life should not be defined by a single act of abuse nor by victimhood. At some point, this becomes a kind of OCD.
So, Woody is a perv who is successful in the movies. We get it. Life is short and identifying yourself obsessively in the public eye as a sad faced victim is not a worthy life-purpose especially in a quixotic quest that can't be legally proven.
Get on with life. It isn't fair but it's all we have."
Couldn't we say the same thing to...........oh, let's say............Candace Conti, for example? "Get on with your life..forget it." What about the countless other vicims of abuse in Watchtower Land? "Move on. It's done, don't be so OCD over something that you can't do anything about." Sure, they got a confession from Candace's predator, but most predators deny deny deny. The two witness rule, you know. If they deny it, there's nothing you can do about it. So don't be a "sad-faced victim.............."
Sorry, Metatron---usually I agree with you, but this time.........No. I've got to wonder where your head is.
New Hope and Happiness said: "Now to me i think its wrong to ....i mean this is a reprehensible and discusting accusation, but this is wrong to say guilty..there has been no trial, no arrest and its not a question of " innocent" or " guilty" its none of our business. We dont have the right to judge."
Then why are we so willing to judge every elder, every servant.........even governing body members...............whenever a whisper of child abuse arises. Why? Yet you think that this man should be given every benefit of the doubt. Why? Shouldn't the same presumption of innocence be given to all the JW abusers? Where is your.....and everyone else's...... charity when it comes to them? Seems very hypocritical to me.
David -
I am not willing to judge every elder, this is not about that. You are mixing apples and oranges. In the case of the GB, there is ample evidence that their stated and known policies have let known molesters go free to molest again. In individual cases, they need to contact the police, so they can decide what needs to happen. This was not done, it is a pattern of behavior that is despicable. Individual JWs that molest children should be prosecuted if there is enough evidence. Elders need to protect children. What about that is too harsh?
Nobody here is defending what Woody did with Sun Yi, he is a creep. As far as Ronan, the police did investigate, but could not find enough evidence. Two possibilities, one is that Mia is understandably upset about what Woody did to Sun Yi, in her mind he molested her child, so it would be understandable if she began to question Ronan as to what may have happened with her. They were in the middle of a custody battle, Mia did not want Woody to have visitation. maybe, she planted the idea of a molestation in Ronan's head. Maybe it did happen exactly as Ronan said, she certainly believes that to be the case. One brother believes her, one says it couldn't have happened. There is a lot of conflicting evidence.
In either case, what can be done? Nothing can be done legally, that's for sure. Woody has a right to give his version of events, as does anyone accused of something like this. I don't feel to sorry for him because his behavior was abhorrent, he brought some of this on himself. But Mia is not innocent in all of this either. It was a chaotic and unconventional relationship, and she previously had gotten pregnant by a married man and broke up his marriage, plus she was still seeing Frank Sinatra while in a relationship with Woody. They didn't even live in the same house.
I think it's very sad that this young lady is still struggling to move on. Her family should focus on that, rather than continuing to play the victim.
I learned long ago not to judge others for how they handle their situation.
I respect those who can forget and move on, just like I respect those who wish to shout their experience from the roof top!!
She has no chance of getting justice, Pedophiles are smart and are cunning when it comes to hiding who they are. Woody hired his own dectectives, he hired everyone who could clear his good name, I think Micheal Jackson got slammed in his last lawsuit because it was actually a accusation by somebody who was not a victim. Micheal's desire to remain close with children after paying off his undisclosed lawsuit for allegations should have straightened out anyone who was wrongfully accused of being a Chicken Hawk.
What if Woody and Micheal are just misunderstood, they both are better off in the Kingdom Halls because the Watchtower could produce a local "Gag Order" if Woody and Micheal had donated $$,$$$,$$$$ both could be in productive Elder Custody and still have access to all the Stupid JW Children they pleased because the Organization believes "Cash is King".
"Sorry, Metatron---usually I agree with you, but this time.........No. I've got to wonder where your head is." Deeply burried up his (I can think of a very warm place obtuse invidividuals hide their noggins, I won't say though).
I know how victims feel, I know how powerful a trusted member of a family's betrayal feels. Woody if he did hurt Miss Farrow probably had plenty of threats and gifts to go along with his abuse. She is trying her best to get over being a victim and this is the World. JWs turned against me when I dropped the Bomb Shell on the local Pedophiles and Chicken Hawks, the abuse she is dealing with is unfathomable for people like you Metron. What would Geman Sevorn say about that comment, he always had a great way with words on the forum!
Ms. Farrow is still very young and needs more healing, if she was a victim it's going to remain with her for the rest of her life. I hope she is able to get the needed help, but having Woody say she is "Mental" won't help, she need's justice!
new hope and happiness
david-10 i dont think the majority are so willing to judge anybody on rummer. i think we have a responsibility to report matters to the police and that it is wrong if elders suggest the police are part of satans system.
I had abusive treatment as a kid.
Most of the time I say to myself "It's 40 years away now, those people are DEAD and can never hurt me again." And yes I have moved on - but sometimes... sometimes you get a flashback, and it is like being dragged right back there. I cannot watch "Good Will Hunting" without ending up a wreck.
Truly, you can move on, and rise above it MOST of the time.
A scar is a scar is a scar. If somebody broke your back as a child and you ended up crippled, who could say "get over it and walk, you weakling?" yet that is the kind of thing my mother does,and about others she hears about.
But she can still harp on and on about her ex (of 40 years!!!!)
As for the police being part of Satans System: This means that Satan wants to show care and healing love and justice to the victims - Who then looks worse here? The self appointed representatives of God on Earth or these evil people wanting to put things right if possible?
Nothing feels worse than having your reality denied by the very people you should be able to turn to. That why i got sick of the WT, it merely enhanced my sense of non- being and unreality.
Frazzled UBM
IMHO Dylan Farrow could have a very real memory of abuse by Woody Allen which may not have actually happened. So she is not lying when she says she remembers it very clearly. Often the memories of childhood we hold onto the most are those that never occurred but were implanted as a result of something someone said about what happened to us or incorporates dreams etc.. The memory is not a video recorder - it reconstructs missing pieces and can be very creative with some prompting. There was a period in the late 90s and early 2000s when shrinks were completely preoccupied with childhood abuse as the reason for everything...Still the whole Woody Allen/Soon Yi relationship thing is pretty dodgy...he should find a better way to deal with his fear of death...
Frazzled - these very clear memories of things that did not happen are called Screen Memories - usually covering some other unpalatable thing.
Some body brought up Freud. He did not deny that child abuse happened - the Viennese police records of the period prove otherwise.
However in specific cases in his writings, cases such as the Wolf Man, Little Hans, Dora, the Rat Man, and others, he established that it would have been impossible in the circumstances - hence the new theory of Screen Memory. His critics go from these PARTICULAR cases, and extrapolate to the GENERAL, when Freud was only discussing one kind of suppression/distortion mechanism.
In other cases he openly admits discusses the unacceptable sexual behavior of adults towards his patients in childhood.
In some cases a screen memory can stand for a repressed memory of abuse as in the monotonous " somewhere a child is being beaten on its bare bottom", other times a clarinet is just a clarinet, despite the protestations.