I ordered Greg's book a few years ago and wonder if he will ever complete his book? What is going on with Greg, he's a great Scholar and a decent bloke, I hope he is doing well heatlh wise and God is blessing him. I knew this would be a giant task, I hope he did not bite more than he can chew.
Will Greg Stafford Complete His Book on "Sharpe's Rule" in 2014? Top JW Scholar Greg Is.
by RottenRiley 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
I recently watched a youtube vidio from Nov 2013 where he was debating with a minister of sorts. Other than that seems like he fell off the face of the earth.
Elihu Books , his Site, is still up and running, and Greg posted a comment on there on Jan 1st.
I do not agree with a lot of his conclusions, he is anti-Evolution for example, with some clever, but flawed arguments, but he was a great loss to the WT.
I doubt they have a scholar of his stature in their midst anymore.
He made their nonsense sound almost credible.
Family problems. To much time devoted to apologetics.
One of the reasons I resigned as an Elder was it took to much time away from my children.
How can anyone who denies the fact of evolution be a scholar?
I can't help but laugh at Stafford. He has become what Jehovah's Witnesses believe happens to those who fall into apostasy. He is trying to form his own cult.
Greg is not trying to found his own Cult, he never has pushed his ideas and allowed for a diverse amount of topics. Cults function at their highest levels by mental strangulation, Greg is the opposite of mental-strangulation, he loves a great argument!
I think Greg might be burned out? He is not the type of man who enjoy's getting his back slapped, the opposite of that. He enjoy's a good debate and even in the good old Watchtower Days was honest enough to tell us he was having problems reconciling what his research was telling him.
Greg tells everyone to "Test Test Test!" everything you hear, he learned the TTATT by digging deeper in to his studies and was honest enough to realize he had a Market with JWs if he wrote like Mormon Scholars who lie to keep their audience base. If Greg wanted the fame and popularity, he would have wrote all his books backing the Watchtower and he would be like Hal Fleming, Rolf Fururi and other Hacks who are Academically Dishonest, Greg is very decent and suffers the stress like we do from being in the Cult so long. I think Greg holds himself to a higher level of accountability because he ran in to problems in his First Book "Jehovah's Witnesses Defended" trying to reconcile the Truth about Jesus Christ with the truth about the Watchtower because he wrote books backing the Cult. Now he is trying to unwind his beliefs, I wish we had him on a forum because he would bring new topics for debate. Greg knew the odds of landing on his feet like Bart Erhman were close to nil, the benefit of telling JWs you lost your faith means you lose most of your conditional friends.
Greg was honest to expose the dishonest things all the Watchtower Scholars sweep under their rug! I hope Greg is doing well, I thought he would have his book out by now but maybe he scrapped the idea? I thought the idea of Greg Stafford trying to go the route of Ray Franz, less judgement with more insights how the Watchtower works with great indeep Bible studies was perfect for Greg but his schedule and making a living are time consuming, hope he is doing well.
yadda yadda 2
He's written some great scholarly stuff and I think has a very balanced and fair view of JW doctrine, but a book on such an esoteric subject for such a narrow audience as Sharpe's Rule must hardly be a big priority. It took him a long time to finally release his 3rd edition of JW's Defended, and he wouldn't have sold many I'd say.
He started a forum on his elihubooks.com website and tried to start a "Christian Witnesses of Jah" thing, but he was quite controlling and rather heavy-handed at times in censuring posters on the forum, and now it's all gone quiet. People leaving a high control organisation like the JW's don't need that.
He has been outspoken in criticizing the Watchtower leadership and encourages JW's to leave the organisation behind.
Who ARE the current JW "scholars"? I remember Hal Fleming, and Rolf Furuli. Is there anyone else out there anymore who claim an academic rigor while supporting GB conclusions?
Greg Stafford has suffered from the same malady that others who have left the Watchtower have experienced. He is not able to make things happen, he is not able to make a substitute religion for the JWs.