Moreover, according to the WT, Paul and his readers are of the anointed class which means they are supposed to get spirit bodies, because "Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God." But here, Paul clearly say's his mortal (flesh and blood) body will be given life.
1. First rule of thumb: Never start with WT's erroneous interpretations re ANYTHING. ;) Since WT always BEGINS from a FALSE premise, their interpretation naturally is also false.
2. WT separates believers by "classes." The Bible never does that. Believers in Scripture are "separated" via DISPENSATIONS (or as some versions say, "administrations"), ie, TIME FRAMES, ie, how GOD was dealing with humanity during different TIME FRAMES or DISPENSATIONS. Not understanding those clear TIME FRAME distinctions reaps a whole lot of confusion, not only for JWs but for a lot of Christians as well.
3. In general, here's how I have come to understand it. Israel was promised an EARTHLY Kingdom all throughout the OT, & a remnant of Israelites WILL have an EARTHLY kingdom in the future with CHRIST in charge (ie, Jews nor JWs will be in charge of it). They will all still be of FLESH & BLOOD, corruptible bodies still prone to death & dying, though a "sinner may live to be 100". The Lord Jesus Christ continued to preach this OT earthly Kingdom Hope throughout the Gospels TO ISRAEL (not Gentiles), Peter & the other apostles TO ISRAEL in Acts (then to Cornelius/Gentile in Acts 10), & then also Paul continued to preach an earthly Kingdom Hope initially to Jews & Gentiles, BUT a TRANSITION was taking place, from the EARTHLY Kingdom Hope to the HEAVENLY Hope, which was finally crystalized in Paul's later prison epistles. A NEW DISPENSATION of TIME was in the making, but the clear demarcation line did not really GEL until Paul met for the last time with a pack of Jewish Leaders of Israel in Acts 28 & they basically dismissed their last opportunity to have the earthly Kingdom in their lifetime. >> Now, a BIG "PAUSE" BEGINS in God's plan for an EARTHLY Kingdom. < < Enter a NEW DISPENSATION of TIME with the NEW HOPE, the HEAVENLY HOPE focused on GENTILES from any/all NATIONS vs. ISRAELITES, though any Israelite or Jew most certainly could & can also be saved during this still ongoing DISPENSATION OF GRACE (though compared to Gentile converts, they are far & few between, whereas previously it was mostly Israelites with FEW Gentiles). ANYONE Saved during this CURRENT "Heavenly Hope/Grace Dispensation" will receive a body of "FLESH & BONE" at the resurrection (WITHOUT THE BLOOD which is corruptible/mortal, whereas FLESH & BONE is incorruptible/eternal/immortal).
1. US: 1 Corinthians 15:50 (Paul to Christians re resurrected bodies): “Now this I say brethren, that FLESH & BLOOD CANNOT inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.”
2. CHRIST: Hebrews 2:24 (Paul re Christ who also was born with flesh and blood like us, so that He could destroy death): “Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of FLESH & BLOOD, HE ALSO HIMSELF LIKEWISE TOOK PART OF THE SAME; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil.”
FLESH & BONE:Now here's the great part which solves the "mystery" & the answer to OP's question:
1. CHRIST: Before His death, Christ was FLESH & BLOOD, mortal, corruptible (see above Heb. 2:24). AFTER His resurrection, He was FLESH & BONE, WITHOUT the blood (which He had already "poured out on our behalf"), His body now immortal/incorruptible:
Luke 24:39 (Christ, after His resurrection): “Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me and see; for a spirit hath not FLESH & BONES, as ye see me have.”
2. US: So like our Lord's resurrected body, our resurrected bodies will be likewise:
Ephesians 5:30 (later prison epistle when the heavenly hope & new Dispensation had come into clear view): “For WE are MEMBERS of HIS BODY, of his FLESH, and of His BONES.” (Why not also of His BLOOD? Because He didn't have any, any more! & neither shall we. An EARTHLY MORTAL body needs BLOOD {Leviticus re "Life of the flesh is in the blood."} A "changed" body {1 Cor. 15 & 1 Thess.4} set for Heaven does NOT need BLOOD to exist/live.
MAYBE, since Adam & Eve were originally created to be ETERNAL, MAYBE they did NOT have any BLOOD in their bodies at first, especially because Adam said re first seeing Eve, "FLESH OF MY FLESH & BONE OF MY BONES" (no mention of BLOOD there).
MAYBE, after the sin of Adam & Eve in the Garden, God somehow "zapped" their bodies to now contain BLOOD (???) which can cause the flesh/bone body to DECAY & die. (???)
I don't know, just guessing on those points.